- Into You (Alex Ghenea Remix) 歌词 Ariana Grande
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- Ariana Grande Into You (Alex Ghenea Remix) 歌词
- Ariana Grande
- I'm so into you I can barely breathe
我是如此钟情于你,令我几近窒息 And all I wanna do is to fall in deep 心之所往唯有与你共枕缠绵 But close ain't close enough till we cross the line hey yeah 近在咫尺也无法满足我对你的垂涎欲滴,除非将你紧搂怀中 So name a game to play and I'll roll the dice hey 开始这爱情游戏,我定将孤注一掷,倾情投入 Oh baby look what you started 欲火焚身的前戏 The temperature's rising in here 空气弥漫着暧昧的氛围,难以自控 Is this gonna happen 是否要开启这场情爱征途 Been waiting and waiting for you to make a move 为你踏出这第一步而焦灼等待 Before I make a move 在我决定为你翻云覆雨之前 [01:54.10][00:49.99]So baby come light me up and maybe I'll let you on it [01:54.10][00:49.99]宝贝,请将我尽情挑逗,我也会令你欲罢不能 [01:57.96][00:53.79]A little bit dangerous but baby that's how I want it [01:57.96][00:53.79]快要步入雷区,但这就是我诚心向往的感觉 [03:08.79][02:52.90][02:17.79][02:01.82][01:13.68][00:57.74]A little less conversation and a little more touch my body [03:08.79][02:52.90][02:17.79][02:01.82][01:13.68][00:57.74]耳鬓厮磨,用肌肤之亲静静感受 [03:12.91][02:56.91][02:21.89][02:06.10][01:01.91]Cause I'm so into you into you into you [03:12.91][02:56.91][02:21.89][02:06.10][01:01.91]因为宝贝,我是如此地钟情于你 [02:10.03][01:05.90]Got everyone watching us so baby let's keep it secret [02:10.03][01:05.90]既然我们是万众瞩目的焦点,那让这份爱意成为一个秘密可好 [02:13.84][01:09.75]A little bit scandalous but baby don't let them see it [02:13.84][01:09.75]是有点难以启齿,那就不要公诸于众 Cause I'm so into you into you 对你万般眷恋 Baby this a microphone check 麦克风在测试 What you getting into when you get 'em 当你翻云覆雨时到底有何快感 When I wake up probably I'm gonna text ya 当我醒来,必将深处浅出了解一番 Heard you got a man 听说你有了别的新欢 Baby I could do it better 但我想表达的是,我可能更擅长 And I really ain't complaining 这并非是对你的无端埋怨 I just want you to remember 只是想要你铭记 How it was how it is how it could be 只有我一人才可给予你真正的幸福快感 You could put me in you could push me 召之即来挥之即去,随心所欲 Or we can go for a ride in the sky 或是在蓝天之下恣意驰骋 Looking up you're a high 四目对视,你已渐入佳境 You ain't never gotta lie 撒谎从来都不是你的强项 Cause it's more than just pussy 这醉人快感并非一朝一夕 For the night everything's alright 万事俱备,让彼此潜入这迷人暗夜 When you lay down I'mma hit the lights 在你静静躺下之后,我会关上所有的灯 If you say so 只要你喜欢就好 What's a life if you don't got me 没有你的人生是如此贫乏无味 Give you what you want what you need 倾其所有,只想为你呈现心之所属 What you came for 你所憧憬的一切 Hit me up when you're feeling blue 在你忧伤抑郁之时请不吝给我一个电话 And I'll tell how I'm feeling too so you know 我也会袒露真心 I just want to get into you 别无他求,只想肆意缠绵 Right here in the living room 就在客厅里也愿意 Let's go 让我们开始吧 Tell me what you came here for 告诉我你到这里到底是何居心 Cause I can't I can't wait no more 欲火焚身,再不想为你一等再等 I'm on the edge with no control 已经在失控的边缘 And I need I need you to know 迫切地想要令你知悉 You to know oh 让你知道 So come light me up 点燃我的欲火 So come light me up my baby 让我欲仙欲死 A little dangerous 危险与快感并存 A little dangerous my baby 在欲火与焚身中摇摆不定