- G22 Real or Fake 歌词
- G22
- 剧集 脑波小姐 插曲
作词:丁玮、 韩力峻 作曲:刘伟德 编曲:Victor刘伟德
上帝选中了你 你没得躲 现实骗你 但你找不到出口 Gotta jump like you're Mario 金币塞满口袋 公主跟我走
战争世代和和平再见 挑起纷争的喧闹世界 Don't fool me, you ain't real 谎言环绕着你 no one told ya
黑夜里大风吹 我一个人在走 Geya I'm on my way to downtown 让我夜晚不怕黑 的是那虚拟还现实 而我早就分不清楚 again
Maybe you can judge me Maybe you can lie Sounds like you're trying to get into my mind You better not try 看到真实意境你还想不透
I don't know that real or fake I don't know that real or fake 那些 bullshit please I don't know that real or fake 别再映入我的眼帘 那些虚伪看不见
I don't know that real or fake I don't know that real or fake I don't know that real or fake I don't know that real or fake
上帝选中了你 你没得躲 现实骗你 但你找不到出口 Gotta jump like you're Mario 金币塞满口袋 公主跟我走
战争世代和和平再见 挑起纷争的喧闹世界 Don't fool me, you ain't real 谎言环绕着你 no one told ya
黑夜里大风吹 我一个人在走 Geya I'm on my way to downtown 让我夜晚不怕黑 的是那虚拟还现实 而我早就分不清楚 again
Maybe you can judge me Maybe you can lie Sounds like you're trying to get into my mind You better not try 看到真实意境你还想不透
I don't know that real or fake I don't know that real or fake 那些 bullshit please I don't know that real or fake 别再映入我的眼帘 那些虚伪看不见
I don't know that real or fake I don't know that real or fake I don't know that real or fake I don't know that real or fake