- kpasian柯普森 上帝的对话 歌词
- kpasian柯普森
- 上帝的对话 feat zdev kpasian situasian
Situasian: violence seems to fill the streets lately and i ve been seein people dying for no reason daily and saw the deep wounds that it made the families that it takes consumed by a four letter word that is hate no matter what your reason is to hate somebody you have no right to take the life of another body said you just rollin in the game deleting other names if you gonna stay the same you gonna end up being bodied (Zdev:)talk it over with jesus I pull down my life's fader 那时迷失了方向 几乎把所有的希望都输光了 falling down down to ground 心烧成灰can not rebirth 活在白与黑的世界我找不到家 谢谢angie take me to the church first time 主和我对话 thats my holy moment 困惑充斥我的神经 那是无法冲破的瓶颈 是谁隔离了 人与人之间的 诚爱信任所有 我想把真善美都复位 找到真正的凶手 太多扭曲病态的思想 正把我满满地喂大 为了获得更好的口碑 学着obey更low的口味 你没了原则不择手段 谁都想成为人上人 别忘了人在做天在看 人上人之上还有神 我在主的面前开始疯狂的发问 when i open the bible 他说这个世界其实很丑陋 你要学着去接受 ride the new rules and order 升华命运的刻度 在 san fruttuoso 唤醒沉睡的基督 改写启示录christ (Situasian:)violence seems to fill the streets lately and i ve been seein people dying for no reason daily and saw the deep wounds that it made the families that it takes consumed by a four letter word that is hate no matter what your reason is to hate somebody you have no right to take the life of another body said you just rollin in the game deleting other names if you gonna stay the same you gonna end up being bodied (KPasian:)上帝您真的在吗 是否您创造的太阳 当人类面对着自然灾害时 我想问一句您在哪 天堂 地狱 每个话题都牵扯到利益 光明 黑暗 如果上帝只是一个推断 人们把您当成信仰 在教堂里双脚贴着地板 双手合十向您虔诚的祈祷 传说中仁慈的您能否听到 是否灾难降临需要您时 无所不能的您就会出现 对着天空呼喊您的名字 您就能把汹涌的大火给扑灭 天堂 地狱 只不过在我的大脑 我有自己的选择 还轮不到谁指手画脚 当我的欲望变得越来越膨胀 这条路上失去一个又一个同伴 把所有的意义都刺在我的身体 自己的命运需要自己去争取 真理 对错 堕落 生命的 脆弱 让圣水冲洗掉心里的罪恶 目光只会放在最顶尖的位置 像跃过龙门的鱼 我的价值观要配上最顶尖的队伍 在榜单的前三留下KPASIAN的名 而我的存在是你永远无法超越的迷 (Situasian:)violence seems to fill the streets lately and i ve been seein people dying for no reason daily and saw the deep wounds that it made the families that it takes consumed by a four letter word that is hate no matter what your reason is to hate somebody you have no right to take the life of another body said you just rollin in the game deleting other names if you gonna stay the same you gonna end up being bodied violence seems to fill the streets lately and i ve been seein people dying for no reason daily and saw the deep wounds that it made the families that it takes consumed by a four letter word that is hate no matter what your reason is to hate somebody you have no right to take the life of another body said you just rollin in the game deleting other names if you gonna stay the same you gonna end up being bodied