- Bic Runga Gravity 歌词
- Bic Runga
If gravity let us go We would all go flying And I'll meet you somewhere in the milky night 若引力能放手 Away past the satellites 我们愿全都飞走
一起徜徉在银河系的广袤夜晚 The breeze is dressed so lightly 越过卫星 And it breathes onto this fire escape 让微风决定去哪 Where all our secrets melt like ice 一起享受这安谧 Leaving only water 所有秘密都像冰一般消融
离开地球 Night will close us down 夜让我们感到安全 And change the view 给我们不同的世界 And I'll promise you what I can 我愿许你我的一切 I forget myself when I'm with you 甚至会遗忘自己 Please remind me who I am 请记得我是谁
舞到天崩地裂 Dancing like a landslide 让人生多姿多彩 Swinging round the living room 我们像台风带来的暴雨般落下 We fall like sudden rain from sullen skies 在电台的音乐中摇摆 Singing to the radio's tune 大声念出我的名
令其如新生 Say my name aloud 我愿许你我的一切 And make it new 甚至会遗忘自己 And I'll promise you what I can 请记得我是谁 I forget myself when I'm with you 时光如梭,车流似水 Please remind me who I am 汽笛充斥脑海直到我们喊出声音
喧嚣马路,等候星星的惊喜 Day so soon, hear all the traffic move 而我们呼吸很轻缓 The sirens all fill this room till we both have to shout 多么陌生的声音 From the road, watching the stars explode 多么奇秒的声音 You and I breathe so slow 多么怪异的声音 How strange the sound 多么冷漠的声音..... How strange the sound...