- G-Eazy You Got Me 歌词
- G-Eazy
- "You Got Me"
Yee! Yee! Came with my whole gang 带着我的一帮子兄弟 20 of us walked up 二十来个人一块正往进走 Fuck you mean you need to see ID? 去nmd,你啥意思?要看我身份证? Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Had the owner come and get me 我打电话叫你们老板带我进去 Talkin' shit you're trying to start what 还说个p,你还想咋? Better have the models ready 赶紧去把酒准备好 Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Spillin' drinks on my retros 把饮料洒在我的乔丹复刻款球鞋上 Chill, chill you making a mess ho 冷静冷静,你闯大祸了小碧池 As I take a look down, they all scuffed up 我低头看我的鞋,现在看起来挫爆了 I'mma tell her, bitch you got me fucked up 我跟她说,臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Who got the blow, shit, I'm tryna buy 谁买的这粉?垃圾,我还准备买呢 Fuck that, this shit ain't even get me high 去tmd,这垃圾根本不能让我嗑嗨起来 And my dealer got the drugs but he on some bullshit 我认识的毒贩搞到一批货,但他惹上事了 Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Where the fucks my other bottle though 那啥,我的酒瓶呢? The DJ is acting like a ho 那个DJ烂透了 You ain't got no G in your serato ho 垃圾,你机子上就没我机翼的歌吗? (You ain't got no fuckin' Eazy?) 你机子上就没lz的歌吗? Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 I walk up and say "Bitch you got me fucked up" 我走上去,跟他说,“臭婊子,你让lz很不爽” Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Came with my whole gang 带着我的一帮子兄弟 20 of us walked up 二十来个人一块正往进走 Fuck you mean you need to see ID? 去nmd,你啥意思?要看我身份证? Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Had the owner come and get me 我打电话叫你老板带我进去 Talkin' shit you're trying to start what 还说个p,你还想咋? Better have the models ready 赶紧去把酒准备好 Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 No one saw me doing this 没有人看到我正在做什么 People can decide how they're viewing this 随便别人怎么审视我 I don't know, Gerald wouldn't do this 我也不知道,以前的Gerald不会这么做吧 Say what, bitch you got me fucked up 我还能说啥?臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 She keeps acting like shes tryna fuck 她表现的很想被上 Took her home just to find out what 带她回家后,你猜咋? Fuck you mean its that time of month?! 去nmd,你啥意思?你来大姨妈? Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Uh, I'm doing 60 in a 35 我在限速35的公路上,开到了60 Uh, I'm in the Rari, I'm just tryna drive 我开着我的法拉利正潇洒 Cops pull me over say, "Sir are you drunk or high?" 交警让我开到路边,说:”“先生,你喝醉了还是嗑药了?” I say, "fuck the fuck up" 我说:“滚一边去” Bitch you got me fucked up (fuck you) 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Say what, bitch you got me fucked up 我还能说啥?臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Came with my whole gang 带着我的一帮子兄弟 20 of us walked up 二十来个人一块正往进走 Fuck you mean you need to see ID? 去nmd,你啥意思?要看我身份证? Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Had the owner come and get me 我打电话叫你们老板带我进去 Talkin' shit you're trying to start what 还说个p,你还想咋? Better have the models ready 赶紧去把酒准备好 Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 I say, "fuck the fuck up" 我说:“滚一边去” Came with my whole gang 带着我的一帮子兄弟 20 of us walked up 二十来个人一块正往进走 Fuck you mean you need to see ID? 去nmd,你啥意思?要看我身份证? Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Had the owner come and get me 我打电话叫你们老板带我进去 Talkin' shit you're trying to start what 还说个p,你还想咋? Better have the models ready 赶紧去把酒准备好 Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 Bitch you got me fucked up 臭婊子,你让lz很不爽 by og