- Sing Me To Sleep (DRMLND Remix) 歌词 Alan Walker DRMLND
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- DRMLND Sing Me To Sleep (DRMLND Remix) 歌词
- Alan Walker DRMLND
- Wait a second, let me catch my breath
等等,让我停下来缓缓气 Remind me how it feels to hear your voice 我回忆起听到你的声音的感觉 Your lips are movin', I can't hear a thing 你嘴唇在动,但我却听不到任何声音 Livin' life as if we had a choice 生活好像给了我们选择 Anywhere, any time 无论何时何地 I would do anything for you 我都会为你做任何事情 Anything for you 一切只为了你 Yesterday got away 昨日远去 Melody stuck inside your head 旋律在你脑海里回响 A song in every breath 每一次呼吸里呢喃着的歌 Sing me to sleep now 现在让我在歌声中入睡 Sing me to sleep 让我在歌声中入睡 Won't you sing me to sleep now 现在你可以唱歌哄我入睡吗 Sing me to sleep 让我在歌声中入睡 Remember me, no time cannot erase 别忘记我,没有时间无法抹去的东西 I can hear your whispers in my mind 我能听到你在我的脑海中低语 I've become what you cannot embrace 我成为了你无法拥抱的人 Our memory will be my lullaby 我们的回忆将变成我的摇篮曲 Sing me to sleep now 现在让我在歌声中入睡 Sing me to sleep 让我在歌声中入睡 Won't you sing me to sleep now 现在你可以唱歌哄我入睡吗 Sing me to sleep 让我在歌声中入睡 A-anytime 任何时候 I would do 我都愿意 Time away 时间流逝 Yesterday-day 就如昨日 A-anytime 任何时候 I would do 我都愿意 Time away 时间流逝 Yesterday-day 正如昨日