- Don't Cry For Me Argentina (Glee Cast - KurtChris Colfer Solo Version) 歌词 Glee Cast
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- Glee Cast Don't Cry For Me Argentina (Glee Cast - KurtChris Colfer Solo Version) 歌词
- Glee Cast
- It won't be easy you'll think it strange
听我细诉心中情 When I try to explain how I feel 你定会觉得奇怪 That I still need your love after all that Ive done 为国家操劳半生却还需你的爱 You wont believe me 你定不会相信我 All you will see is a girl you once knew 纵然锦衣玉袍珠光宝气 Although shes dressed up to the nines 与你挽臂同行 At sixes and sevens with you 但我还是那个你曾熟识的小女孩 I had to let it happen I had to change 我不得不做出改变 Couldnt stay all my life down at heel 谁能甘心一辈子仰人鼻息卑贱无名 Looking out of the window staying out of the sun 窗外阳光灼目 So I chose freedom 我,要挣脱这与生俱来的约束 Running around trying everything new 新鲜刺激我哪样没有尝试过? But nothing impressed me at all 可又有哪样真正打动了我? I never expected it to 我的本意并非如此啊! Dont cry for me Argentina 阿根廷,请不要为我哭泣 The truth is I never left you 我将永远伴你左右 All through my wild days 我的人生从始至终 My mad existence 放浪疯狂 I kept my promise 但为这个国家鞠躬尽瘁也是我一生的写照啊 Dont keep your distance 不要将我我拒之门外,好吗?
在这世界看来我所做的一切只为功名利禄 And as for fortune and as for fame 但它们对我来说 I never invited them in 的的确确是身外之物 Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired 功名利禄只是过眼云烟 They are illusions 我以赤子之心待军国大事,为何被亵渎为追功逐利? They are not the solutions they promised to be 请你仔细看看我为这国家做了些什么吧 The answer was here all the time 我爱这个国家,也希望你们永远爱我 I love you and hope you love me 阿根廷,请不要为我哭泣
我从未抛弃过你 Dont cry for me Argentina 我的人生从始至终 The truth is I never left you 放浪疯狂 All through my wild days 但为这个国家鞠躬尽瘁也是我一生的写照啊 My mad existence 不要将我我拒之门外,好吗? I kept my promise 我说的太多了吗? Dont keep your distance 别无他言 Have I said too much 你看我真真切切 Theres nothing more I can think of to say to you 便知我的话句句属实 But all you have to do is look at me to know That every word is true