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It Took a Minute【Generationals】

It Took a Minute 歌词 Generationals
Generationals It Took a Minute 歌词
It Took a Minute - Generationals

It took a minute

When I kept telling myself that doesn't look right
And not to an inept combination

And there was a party there tonight

It took a minute and then conjuring another night

And we're too late in love and too slow

I would want to be there too

And they said where were you

It doesn't matter if they wanted to know

And they look back and where were you

Where did you go

It took a minute

And it's a minute I wish it had turned to me
Into a testament to living in isolation

I should know you really don't have to be

It took a minute

And then conjuring another noon

I ain't really don't look back

Don't you remember like we used to

And they said where were you

It doesn't matter if they wanted to know

And I look back and where were you

Where did you go
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