- Shawn Colvin Sunny Came Home 歌詞
- Shawn Colvin
- Sunny came home to her favorite room
Sunny 走進家裡她最愛的房間 Sunny sat down in the kitchen 她在廚房坐下了 She opened a book and a box of tools 她打開了一本書和一盒子的雜物 Sunny came home with a mission 她心事重重回家來 She says days go by 她說時光如梭啊 I'm hypnotized 我混沌度日 I'm walking on a wire 如履薄冰 I close my eyes and fly out of my mind 閉上眼睛思緒飛鳥般出走了 Into the fire 一切消失在火光中
Sunny拿著一串名單回家來 Sunny came home with a list of names 她不信超然的力量 She didn't believe in transcendence 她說是時候破鏡重圓了 It's time for a few small repairs she said Sunny背負著復仇的使命回家來 Sunny came home with a vengeance 她說光陰似箭 She says days go by 我捉摸不透 I don't know why 我艱難生活 I'm walking on a wire 閉上眼睛放飛思緒 I close my eyes and fly out of my mind 一切消失在火光中 Into the fire 拿上舊毛衣,喊上孩子們
是風和日麗的一天啊 Get the kids and bring a sweater 度日如年 Dry is good and wind is better 去點燃火柴吧 Count the years, you always knew it 哦,光陰似箭,日月如梭 Strike a match, go on and do it 我心醉神迷 Oh days go by 如履薄冰 I'm hypnotized 閉上雙眼任思緒蔓延 I'm walking on a wire 一切消失在火光中 I close my eyes and fly out of my mind 抱緊自己吧,天空正被火光照亮 Into the fire 世界已是崩壞離析
她逃了出去,安然無恙 Oh light the sky and hold on tight Sunny還是回了家 The world is burning down 回了家 She's out there on her own and she's alright Sunny came home Sunny came home