- 99 God NINEONE#
- 編曲: SOULFRESHBEATS/百川Rebellious
製作人: SOULFRESHBEATS/百川Rebellious Hang up the phone 別以為能封了我的脈絡 I'm the boss in this building 才氣不會埋沒 當我還在live收集來自life的愛 早就見怪不怪了一朝一夕的走起和敗落 Loser才問who can save me 多問問配不配或是什麼正在make me Get out of my zone 這不是你能體會的人生 別以為我不知道你們躲在現實吃閉門羹
Love can sove hard stone 思想不是用來支配大眾 我時常會差點 就到達目的地 但這是命運留給我的那條縫please
謎題是睜眼就看破的底 謎底是抓破頭皮解不開的題 只是你意識不到這離奇的襲 慢慢被儀式地剝掉了旖旎的皮 Shame What kind of me do you like 沒你挑的餘地 彼此都是psychotic What a shame Nintendo邊上的born to die 不懂我憑什麼說我是個壞小孩 他們怪罪我 一把火燎了你的派對 我要栽培個version2才能回床再睡 你想要復刻而我是原型 大腦是book store只會淪陷不可能被填平
Phew Damn S***
Ok my catalogue Crazy My modesty Lazy Ima bragadocious mother****er Begging y'all to hate me Your precious baby mama Just called “Daddy, come spank me” Y'all thought I fall off The whole time I just be floating They praying on my downfall
Trap out the bando man I made it 100k for a verse just a pocket change I ain't got no patience Bang a new chick in New York melanin smooth she a heaven-sent blasian Swear to God y'all can't tell me ***t My life been amazing
Spectacular precisely My new aesthetic rocket outta-earth level Even aliens are banning me And I know a higher power rlly been out there trynna channel me I been sober for a long time Better be ready for my insanity
Love can sove hard stone 思想不是用來支配大眾 我時常會差點 就到達目的地 但這是命運留給我的那條縫please
謎題是睜眼就看破的底 謎底是抓破頭皮解不開的題 只是你意識不到這離奇的襲 慢慢被儀式地剝掉了旖旎的皮 Shame What kind of me do you like 沒你挑的餘地 彼此都是psychotic What a shame Nintendo邊上的born to die 不懂我憑什麼說我是個壞小孩
混音: 隆歷奇/百川Rebellious 母帶: 百川Rebellious 項目統籌:傑森 營銷推廣: 心心向上/大聲密謀 出品: 索尼音樂x INDECAA 出品人: 陳國威Andrew Chan@索尼音樂