- Came For Some Nights 歌詞 fun. Daniel Meroe Rihanna Calvin Harris
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- Calvin Harris Came For Some Nights 歌詞
- fun. Daniel Meroe Rihanna Calvin Harris
- Baby, this is what you came for
寶貝這就是你出現的原因 Lightning strikes every time she moves 她的一舉一動彷如閃電劃過天際 And everybodys watching her 所有人都注視著她 But shes looking at you, oh, oh 而她的目光卻投向你 You, oh, oh, you, oh, oh 投向你你你 You, oh, oh, you, oh, oh 投向你你你 You, oh, oh, oh, oh 投向你 Baby, this is what you came for 寶貝這就是你出現的原因 Lightning strikes every time she moves 她的一舉一動彷如閃電劃過天際 And everybodys watching her 所有人都注視著她 But shes looking at you, oh, oh 而她的目光卻投向你 Some nights, I stay up cashing in my bad luck 有些夜晚,熬夜應驗了我的壞運氣 Some nights , I call it a draw 有些夜晚,我稱之為平局 Some nights, I wish that my lips could build a castle 有些夜晚,我希望我的嘴唇能為我築起一座城堡 Some nights, I wish theyd just fall off 有些夜晚,我希望他們身敗名裂 But I still wake up, I still see your ghost 但我還是醒了,我仍然看見了你的身影 Oh Lord, Im still not sure, what I stand for oh oh oh 主啊,我仍是不確定,我代表什麼 What do I stand for? Oh what do I stand for ? 我代表什麼?我代表什麼? Most nights, I dont know anymore 大多數夜晚,我都疑惑不解 We go fast til they cant replay 我們很快離開他們還來不及回放重播 Who knows why its gotta be this way 誰知道為什麼會變成這樣 We say nothing more than we need 我們不會過多奢求 I say 'your place' when we leave 我們離開時我說去你的家 Lightning, this is what you came for 像是一道閃電這就是你來的目的 Lightning strikes every time she moves 她的一舉一動彷如閃電劃過天際 And everybodys watching her 所有人都注視著她 But shes looking at you, oh, oh 而她的目光卻投向你 This is it, boys , this is war, what are we waiting for? 這是一場戰爭,我們還在等待什麼? Why dont we break the rules already? 我們為什麼不打破陳規? I was never one to believe the hype 我從來都不是相信炒作的人 Save that for the black and white 把這個留給黑人和白人 I try twice as hard and Im half as liked 我加倍努力,卻不那麼討人喜歡 But here they come again to jack my style 他們再次蒞臨,為了提醒我的 Thats alright, I found a martyr in my bed tonight 好吧,今晚我找到了一個與我纏綿的可人 Stops my bones from wondering just 讓我的身體停止思考 who I, who I, who I am, oh who am I, mm, mm 我是誰?我是誰? Baby, this is what you came for 寶貝這就是你出現的原因 Lightning strikes every time she moves 她的一舉一動彷如閃電劃過天際 Baby, this is what you came for 寶貝這就是你出現的原因 Lightning strikes every time she moves 她的一舉一動彷如閃電劃過天際 And everybodys watching her 所有人都注視著她 But shes looking at you, oh, oh 而她的目光卻投向你 Well some nights, I wish that this all would end 好吧,有些夜晚,我希望這一切都能結束 Cause I could use some friends for a change 因為我需要一些朋友來改變一下 And some nights, Im scared youll forget me again 有些夜晚,我害怕你會再次將我拋諸腦後 Some nights, I always win, I always win 有些夜晚,我總是獲勝 But I still wake up, I still see your ghost 但我還是醒了,我仍然看見了你的身影 Oh Lord, Im still not sure what I stand for, oh 主啊,我仍是不確定,我代表什麼 What do I stand for? Oh what do I stand for? 我代表什麼?我代表什麼? Most nights, I dont know (come on) 大多數夜晚,我都不知道(來吧) So this is it? I sold my soul for this? 就這樣?我為了這個出賣了我的靈魂?