- Martin Garrix Burn Out 歌詞
- Martin Garrix
- Flash fire, I'm coming for you
火花碰撞我為你而來 You're gonna feel me like the summer 你讓我感覺像是炎夏 Like the sun in your eyes 恍若你眼中的如火激情 Hold tight, another minute, another hour 緊緊相擁再多一分鐘再多一小時 Baby, imma' show you, you can rely on me 寶貝我要為你呈現這一切你可以依靠著我 I'll give you all you need 我會給你一切所需 In a smoke cloud, tryna find ground 在一片飄泊不定的雲彩中試著尋找一處落腳地 In the place where we belong 屬於我們的世外桃源 We don't have to dream to make it beautiful Baby, everything we do is beautiful 我們無需錦上添花 We can light a fire, watch it ever glow 寶貝我們書寫的篇章都那麼壯麗磅礴 We won't burn out, we won't burn out 我們點燃一盞心燈閃爍著永恆的光芒 We won't burn out, we won't burn out 我們永遠熱血沸騰永遠激情澎湃 We won' t burn out, we won't burn out 我們永遠熱血沸騰永遠激情澎湃 Won't take a million dollars For us to have a kind of life 我們永遠熱血沸騰永遠激情澎湃 You only see in a dream Wake up, 'cause now you're in it 不需要散盡千金 I wanna show you all the magic in the air 便能活的暢快淋漓 And tonight it's free 那是你的夢寐以求 It'll be all you need 甦醒吧現在你已漸入佳境 In a smoke cloud, tryna find ground 這精彩紛呈的壯觀我希望你能目睹 In the place where we belong 今夜不受拘束 We don't have to dream to make it beautiful 這自由自在的感覺就是你的所有渴求 Baby, everything we do is beautiful 在一片飄泊不定的雲彩中試著尋找一處落腳地 We can light a fire, watch it ever glow 屬於我們的世外桃源 We won't burn out, we won't burn out We won't burn out, we won't burn out 我們無需錦上添花 We won't burn out, we won't burn out 寶貝我們的一舉一動都那麼完美無瑕 We won't burn out, we won't burn out 我們點燃一盞心燈閃爍著永恆的光芒