- Ca$hflow 黴雨季 歌詞
- Ca$hflow
- 雨滴順著頭髮落
黴雨還是沒逃過 站在超市的角落 等著滴滴來接我 雨滴順著頭髮落 黴雨比我還難過 視線也變的渾濁 雨聲讓全世界沉默 Ca$hFlow: 有人笑著躲雨 有人哭著在淋 有人撐著雨傘 像在雨中獨自漫行 而我望著想著天空何時才會放晴 透過車窗這城市只剩霓虹燈的光影, 雨從稀稀拉拉,滴滴答答再到劈裡啪啦 從熙熙攘攘,到三三兩兩都在急著回家 梅雨的雨伴隨著梅雨的黴 梅雨歇斯底里決堤般的掉著眼淚 我就算是灑脫的風也比常人灑脫的多 不以物喜也不以己悲看透悲歡離合 墜落的雨從沒想過自己會變成洪荒 一字一句變成箭雨也會形成重傷 我沒有雨傘也沒有雨具 連這電閃雷鳴聽著都像你的語氣 我像是魚腩也沒有餘地 沒有雨傘的孩子只能跑著逃過雨季 希望每場大雨都會有人為你撐傘 希望每個人的嘴裡對你都是稱讚 但願你的理想會和現實一樣豐滿 uh 梅雨季讓人夜長夢短 雨滴順著頭髮落 黴雨還是沒逃過 站在超市的角落 等著滴滴來接我 雨滴順著頭髮落 黴雨比我還難過 視線也變的渾濁 雨聲讓全世界沉默 Eyam Marsh: Good day means a good day Good day on the drive way 終於讓我遇到對手 永遠填不飽的胃口 Good day means a good day Good day on the drive way 終於讓我遇到對手 永遠填不飽的胃口 Many many days i'ma dream in many many mood That's crazy I won't feel pain on daily i will fade away i feeling guess you will stay Stay baby stay like wave oh baby please go away or maybe please go away oh baby Every day ima in the Hollywood But the always feel the sad oh that for sure U know life gotta be in the piece of mood Bugger cola ******* ** just get into I never thought i will fade in Back to old days ima wearing jeans Maybe you need some amphetamine maybe you won't yeah but u need I got a girlfriend in the HongKong Then she told me her name “YuLi “ Let it coach me to thicker skin and bigger Rings and the bigger rain Let the bigger rains turn it loud Let the folks turn it loud Let them won't turn down Let them all turn loud I ask the acid if words were worth worrying over Her exPLA nation seem agitated<比如>she say了T麼answer有人questions with<比如>some questions questioning有人說<比如>