- Taylor Swift Fifteen 歌詞
- Taylor Swift
- You take a deep breath and you walk through the doors
你深深呼吸了口新鮮的空氣走進了大門 It's the morning of your very first day 這是你新學期的第一天 You say hi to your friends who ain't seen in a while 你對好久不見的朋友們打了招呼 Try and stay out of everybody's way 試著不要擋住任何人的道 It's your freshman year and you're gonna be here 你剛踏入這個校園 For the next four years in this town 而接下來四年你將在這座小鎮生活 Hoping one of those senior boys will wink at you and say 希望有個男孩會向你眨眼並說 You know I haven't seen you around, before “我從前還沒見過你呢” 'Cause when you're fifteen 因為當你十五歲時 Somebody tells you they love you 也許有人會告訴你他愛你 You' re gonna believe them 而你也會陷入其中 And when you're fifteen feeling like 當你十五歲時 There's nothing to figure out, but 你會覺得沒有任何事值得質疑 Count to ten, take it in 但數到十 This is life before you know 這是你看清前方的道路前 Who you're gonna be 你的生活 Fifteen 十五歲
你坐在一頭紅發的阿比蓋爾(Abigail,Taylor的摯友)旁 You sit in a class next to a redhead Abigail 並且很快你們就成為了彼此的天使 And soon enough you're best friends 嘲笑著那些自認為 Laughing at the others girls 自己很酷的女孩們 Who think they're so cool 邊笑邊說我們很快就能離開這裡 We'll be out of here as soon as we can 而當你第一次約會時 And then you're on you're very first date 他開著汽車飛速地來接你 And he's got a car and you're feeling like flying 你媽媽還在等門,而他卻視你為唯一 And you're mamma's waiting up and you're thinking he's the one 你在房間里手舞足蹈直到第二天的到臨 And you're dancing 'round your room when the night ends 直到第二天的到臨 When the night ends 因為當你十五歲時啊 'Cause when you're fifteen 某人會告訴你他愛你 Somebody tells you they love you 你也會信以為真 You're gonna believe them 當你十五歲並獻上自己的初吻時 And when you're fifteen and your first kiss 這也許讓你神魂顛倒 Makes you head spin 'round but 但在往後的生活中 In your life you'll do things greater 還有比與足球隊男孩約會更棒的事情 Than dating the boy on the football team 但我十五歲的時候卻一無所知 But I didn't know it at fifteen 當你的所有慾望
都得以實現時 When all you wanted 希望時間可以回溯 Was to be wanted 告訴你自己你現在都知道些什麼 Wish you could go back 回到過去我曾發誓 And tell yourself what you know now 我總有一天要嫁給他 Back then I swore I was gonna 但我還怀揣更大的夢想 Marry him someday 而阿比蓋爾將她的一切傾注到了那個 But I realized some bigger dreams of mine 終為變心的男孩 And Abigail gave everything she had to a boy 而我們都坐在一起大哭一場 Who changed his mind 因為當你十五歲的時候 And we both cried 某人會告訴你他們愛你 'Cause when you're fifteen, 你也會信以為真吧 Somebody tells you they love you 而當你十五歲的時候 You're gonna believe them 別忘了在墜入愛河前擦亮眼睛 And when you're fifteen, 發現時間可以治愈大部分的傷痛 Don't forget to look before you fall 察覺到了你將成為怎樣的人 I've found time can heal most anything 但我在十五歲的時候並不知道我將如何走下去 And you just might find who you're supposed to be 十五歲時 I didn't know who I was supposed to be Lalalala··· At fifteen 新學期的第一天 Lalalalalalala 深呼吸吧女孩 Your very first day 準備好迎接新的生活 Take a deep breath girl Take a deep breath as you walk through the doors.