- the dragon born comes(cover sky RIM) 歌詞 群星 Minniva featuring Christos Nikolaou
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- Minniva featuring Christos Nikolaou the dragon born comes(cover sky RIM) 歌詞
- 群星 Minniva featuring Christos Nikolaou
- Our hero, our hero, claims a warrior's heart.
戰鬥的號角(不絕於耳)震撼著每人的心 I tell you, I tell you, the Dragonborn comes. 就是您,就是您,龍裔已經來臨 With a Voice wielding power of the ancient Nord art. 期待著古諾德血液中那龍之咆哮的甦醒。 Believe, believe, the Dragonborn comes. 我們堅信,堅信龍裔已經降臨 It's an end to the evil, of all Skyrim's foes. 這是我們在天際的水深火熱中的救贖 Beware, beware, the Dragonborn comes. 不要畏懼艱難,不要畏懼險阻 For the darkness has passed, and the legend yet grows. 光明重現之日就是(您)名垂青史之時。 You'll know, You'll know the Dragonborn's come. 就會明白,就會深知,(龍裔)存在的意義。 Dovahkiin! Dovahkiin! ( Dragonborn! Dragonborn! ) Naal ok zin los vahrii ( By his hornor is sworn ) wah dein vokul ( to keep evil ) mahfaeraak ahst vaal, ( forever at bay , ) ahrk fin norok paal graan ( and the fierce foe rout ) Fod nust hon zindro zaan. ( when they hear triumph's shout. ) Dovahkiin, fah hin ( Dragonborn, for your ) kogaan mu draal. ( blessing we pray. ) For the king, Dovahkiin(龍裔), for the sake of Skyrim 為知己者死,死有何懼 For our land, for our home , for the Godless well 寸土我們必爭,眾神我們挑戰 For the Nords, and for the Counts; for the sole single Star 獨行獨往,柔情鐵骨,塞北狂歌 Dovahkiin, for our king, for the clan will rise 披肝瀝膽,(只為她)為我們的未來打下一片安寧。