- Flo Rida I Cry 歌詞
- Flo Rida
- I know
我知道 Caught up in the middle 深陷其中 I cry, just a little 落下一點淚 When I think of letting go 當我想放棄時 Oh no 噢不 Gave up on the riddle 別再猜謎語了 I cry, just a little 落下一點淚 When I think of letting go 當我想放棄時 I know you wanna get behind the wheel Only 1 Rida 我知道你們想追隨在獨一無二的里達身後 Eyes shut still got me swimming like a diver 閉上雙眼像個潛水員般游泳 Cant let go I got fans in Okinawa 不能放棄我在沖繩有許多粉絲 My heart to japan quake losers and surviours 心繫在日本地震的遇難者和倖存者 Norway no you didnt get my flowers 挪威我還沒送到鮮花 No way to sound better but the killer was a Coward 沒有更好的形容詞來稱呼殺手:懦夫 Face just showers, the minute in a hour 那一刻我淚如雨下 Heard about the news all day went sour 聽到新聞的那整天都不好受 Lil mama got me feeling like a limit here 讓我感覺這在度日如年 Put you in the box just the presidents cigarettes 像是被軟禁在總統牌香煙大小的牢房裡 Give em my regards or regardless I get arrested 即使我被捕了也要問候或不關心 Aint worried about the killers just the young & restless 一點也不擔心殺手犯只關注影集「不安分的青春」 Get mad coz the quarter million on my necklace 有人生氣就因為我戴著25萬元的項鍊 DUI never said I was driving reckless 酒後駕車並不代表我開車膽大妄為 You & I or jealously was not oppressive 「你和我」、「嫉妒」不會讓人感到壓抑 Oh no I cant stop I was Destined 噢不無法停止這是命中註定 I know 我知道 Caught up in the middle 深陷其中 I cry, just a little 落下一點淚 When I think of letting go 當我想放棄時 Oh no 噢不 Gave up on the riddle 別再猜謎語了 I cry, just a little 落下一點淚 When I think of letting go 當我想放棄時 I know 我知道 Caught up in the middle 深陷其中 I cry, just a little 落下一點淚 When I think of letting go 當我想放棄時 Oh no 噢不 Gave up on the riddle 別再猜謎語了 I cry, just a little 落下一點淚 When I think of letting go 當我想放棄時 Champagne buckets still got two tears in it 香檳桶裡還有兩滴淚水 And I put that on my tattoo of Jimi Hendrix 我把它抹在我Jimi Hendrix的刺青上 Get depressed coz the outfit all in it 沮喪是因為所有行頭都在車裡 Coz the press tell it all get a meal ticket 媒體為了混下去而暴料一切 Clean next get a call just a lil visit 整理後接到一通Lil要過來的電話 Sacrifice just to make a hit still vivid 犧牲只為了出風頭 Rihanna kiss you on ya neck just kill critics 和蕾哈娜摟著脖子親吻只是扼殺那些評論者 Buggatti never when Im rich, just god fearing 有錢也不會買跑車因為極可怕 Look at me steering, got the bossing staring 瞧我開車的模樣發號施令 Mr mike caren,mariah carey, tell his Billie Jeans 飄飄欲仙麥克.凱倫先生對他的情人比利.珍說 Im on another planet 一點也不擔心殺手犯只關注影集「不安分的青春」 Thank E-Class, Big Chuck or Lee Prince Perries 要感謝E-Class, Big Chuck or Lee Prince Perries Buy my momma chandeliers on my tears dammit 含淚為我媽媽買下水晶吊燈 Thirty years you had thought these emotions vanish 已為30年的感情會輕易消失嗎 Tryna live tryna figure how my sister vanish 努力活著試著明白我妹妹為何失踪 No cheers I know you wouldnt panic 不要歡呼我知道不會怯場 I know 我知道 Caught up in the middle 深陷其中 I cry, just a little 落下一點淚 When I think of letting go 當我想放棄時 Oh no 噢不 Gave up on the riddle 別再猜謎語了 I cry, just a little 落下一點淚 When I think of letting go 當我想放棄時 I know 我知道 Caught up in the middle 深陷其中 I cry,just a little 落下一點淚 When I think of letting go 當我想放棄時 Oh no 噢不 Gave up on the riddle 別再猜謎語了 I cry, just a little 落下一點淚 When I think of letting go 當我想放棄時 When I need a healing, I just look up the the ceiling 當我需要慰藉時會抬起頭看著天花板 I see the sun coming down I know its all better now 看著灑下的陽光一切會更加美好 When I need a healing , I just look up the the ceiling 當我需要慰藉時會抬起頭看著天花板 I see the sun coming down I know its all better now 看著灑下的陽光一切會更加美好 When I need a healing, I just look up the the ceiling 當我需要慰藉時會抬起頭看著天花板 I see the sun coming down I know its all better now 看著灑下的陽光一切會更加美好 When I need a healing, I just look up the the ceiling 當我需要慰藉時會抬起頭看著天花板 I see the sun coming down I know its all better now 看著灑下的陽光一切會更加美好 I know, I know, I know, I I I, I think of letting go 我知道………我想就放手吧 I know 我知道 I know 我知道 Caught up in the middle 深陷其中 I cry, just a little 落下一點淚 When I think of letting go 當我想放棄時 Oh no 噢不 Gave up on the riddle 別再猜謎語了 I cry, just a little 落下一點淚 When I think of letting go 當我想放棄時 I know 我知道 Caught up in the middle 深陷其中 I cry, just a little 落下一點淚 When I think of letting go 當我想放棄時 Oh no 噢不 Gave up on the riddle 別再猜謎語了 I cry, just a little 落下一點淚 When I think of letting go 當我想放棄時