- 古代祐三 東京─試練は交錯する (TeddyLoid Remix) 歌詞
- 古代祐三
- in a world full of light and shadow
『在這光影競存的世界』 I was striving against my sorrow 『我挺身與絕望纏鬥』 was it fate that we met like this before,'hello.' 『你我的邂逅,許是命運安排,「又見面了呢※」』 in a world at its depth of hollow 『置身虛淵無底的世界』 I was dreaming of one tomorrow 『我曾在夢中所見的未來里』 you were singing a song I used to know,alone. 『你哼唱著我熟悉的歌,孑身孤影』 all I knew were collapsing promises 『口中仍念,分崩離析的約定』 all I knew were forgotten names of hope 『心間長存,遭人忘卻的希望』 all I knew were reflections of despair 『耳畔久鳴,四隅迴盪的沉默』 all I want is a will to be with you—— 『但求一願,望長伴君側——』 —'cause I wished upon a star 『於是我向星星許願※』 I wanna be your light that shines by you tonight 『願化身光芒,引君渡穿暗夜』 —'cause I wished upon a star 『於是我向星星許願』 I wanna be your pride that guides you to the sky 『願化身榮耀,助君劍指蒼穹』 in a place where our story begins I was finding another reason 『在你我傳奇起始之地』 all I needed was one smile to defend ,'dont go.' 『我在探尋另一個理由』 in a place that we looked for eden 『你的微笑已值得我捨命相護,「不要走」』 I was yesterdays only treason 『在你我欲建樂園之地』 can I carry your wish and face the end,the roar. 『我背叛了昨日信念』 all I knew were decaying memories 『已不知能否承君之志,直面終焉,息世之怒』 all I knew were convicted sounds of guilt 『心間長存,日漸消枯的記憶』 all I knew were infections of our prayer 『耳畔久鳴,千夫所指的罪責』 all I want is a will to be with you—— 『口中仍念,侵蝕穢染的祈禱※』 —'cause I wished upon a star 『但求一願,望長伴君側——』 I wanna be your light that shines by you tonight 『於是我向星星許願』 —'cause I wished upon a star 『願化身光芒,引君渡穿暗夜』 I wanna be your pride that guides you to the sky 『於是我向星星許願』 —'cause I wished upon a star 『願化身榮耀,助君劍指蒼穹』 I wanna be your light that shines by you tonight —'cause I wished upon a star 『於是我向星星許願』 I wanna be your pride that guides you to the sky 『願化身光芒,引君渡穿暗夜』 —'cause I wished upon a star 『於是我向星星許願』 I know that well rewrite this chronicle tonight 『願化身榮耀,助君劍指蒼穹』 —'cause I wished upon a star 『於是我向星星許願』 Ill never say good-bye,Im always by your side. 『堅信你我今夜定能重寫編年史』