- Selena Gomez Wolves 歌詞
- Marshmello Selena Gomez
- In your eyes there's a heavy blue
在你的眼裡有一抹深邃的藍 One to love and one to lose 一邊渴求著愛一邊不得不失去 Sweet divine a heavy truth 甜蜜地占卜著原本沉重的真相
無論是美酒抑或溫水都無法令我做出選擇 Water or wine don't make me choose 我想重新感受那個夏夜的美好 I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night night 以星月為伴獨自沉醉 Drunk on a feeling alone with the stars in the sky 我穿過森林
與狼共舞 I've been running through the jungle 為了來到你身邊 I've been running with the wolves 我深入探索最黑暗的道路 To get to you to get to you 甚至看見過月球的陰面
都是為了來到你身邊 I've been down the darkest alleys 我曾在茫茫眾生中尋找屬於自己的那份愛 Saw the dark side of the moon 用盡全力平息心中怒火 To get to you to get to you 而這一切都是為了你
我穿過茂密的森林 I've looked for love in every stranger 和狼群作伴 Took too much to ease the anger 只為來到你身邊 All for you yeah all for you 與你相伴
和你在一起 I've been running through the jungle 你的指尖描繪著我臉龐的輪廓 I've been crying with the wolves 標記出我從未抵達的地方 To get to you to get to you to get to you 我只能盲目跟從
打破重重壁壘以跟隨你 To get to you 我想回顧那個夏夜的美妙 To get to you 在熠熠星光下獨自沉醉 Your fingertips trace my skin 我穿過叢林 To places I have never been 與狼共舞
只為來到你身邊 Blindly I am following 我深入最黑暗的小徑 Break down these walls and come on in 我見過月球的背面 I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night night 這些都只為了你 Drunk on a feeling alone with the stars in the sky 我曾漂浮覓愛於眾生中
用盡全力平息驚濤駭浪 I've been running through the jungle 都是為了你 I 've been running with the wolves 我曾穿過叢林 To get to you to get to you 我與狼相伴
因為我想接近你 I've been down the darkest alleys 我想去到你身邊 Saw the dark side of the moon 走到你心裡 To get to you to get to you 我穿過森林
把自己置身於危險之中 I've looked for love in every stranger 只為接近你 Took too much to ease the anger 我無懼黑暗去探索最深的小巷 All for you yeah all for you 見證了月球的暗面
只為接近你 I've been running through the jungle 我不惜在芸芸眾生中尋覓愛情 I've been crying with the wolves 用盡心力平息怒火 To get to you to get to you to get to you 因為我愛你 我穿過叢林 To get to you 與狼共舞 To get to you 因為我愛你 I've been running through the jungle I 've been running with the wolves To get to you to get to you
I've been down the darkest alleys Saw the dark side of the moon To get to you to get to you
I've looked for love in every stranger Took too much to ease the anger All for you yeah all for you
I've been running through the jungle I've been crying with the wolves To get to you to get to you to get to you