- Gazebo masterpiece 歌詞
- Gazebo
- What a wonderful day, everything is O.K
歲月靜好,一切無恙 Not a problem in mind, leaving worries behind 遠憂近慮,盡然遺忘 Except for that little doubt you have 只是你仍抱有疑惑 Concerning your dress tonight 為你今晚怎樣著裝 So you take a bottle of french wine 你飲下一杯美酒,緩緩言道: And you say you don't live twice, you cast the dice. “人無再少年”,你擲出了骰子 Masterpiece, you should have seen it 你應欣賞過自然的傑作 That rainbow in the moonglow 那是雨後虹光,是月色流淌 Masterpiece, you've got to live it 你應體味過自然的傑作 That new dawn tomorrow 那是明日嶄新的曙光 Driving down through Beverly Hills 駕車駛過貝弗利山莊 You feel the breeze of the past in your lungs 如風歲月在你心頭飄蕩
多麼優雅的地方,你與大象漫步優游 What an elegant place, you walk with elephant grace 林蔭道灑滿夕照,等待著星空的擁抱 All Sunset Boulevard has been waiting the star 舊友群聚,歡聲高呼:“生日快樂,我的摯愛” They all gather to celebrate 'Happy birthday my honey dear' 與他們重逢是莫大的歡樂 What a joy to see your old mates 這好萊塢般的世界,等待我們入場 In this Hollywood atmosphere, with us at last ! 你應欣賞過自然的傑作 Masterpiece, you should have seen it 那是雨後虹光,是月色流淌 That rainbow in the moonglow 你應體味過自然的傑作 Masterpiece, you've got to live it 那是明日嶄新的曙光 That new dawn tomorrow 你從未體驗過世界的傑作 Masterpiece you never act it 但人生如戲,值得一搏 But life is a movie 你已然歆享過世界的傑作 Masterpiece you've got to try it 你的感動已銘刻在我心上 We're sure you'd be moving. 你的生活如永不停歇的舞蹈,但你仍葆有對萬物的感受
坐著勞斯萊斯回家,你微笑著思念心裡的他 You've had a tango too much, you say you'll keep in touch 短暫瞬間你被模糊視線 Back home in your Rolls Royce you smle and think of the boys 一幕幕往事在風中飄蕩 All ofa sudden your sight obscures 終於你不再迷惑 And your memories drift the air 因為你就是那璀璨的星 And you finally feel secure 你應欣賞過自然的傑作 You're another star up there, a star up there. 那是雨後虹光,是月色流淌 Masterpiece, you should have seen it 你應體味過自然的傑作 That rainbow in the moonglow 那是明日嶄新的曙光 Masterpiece, you got to live it 你從未體驗過世界的傑作 That new dawn tomorrow 但人生如戲,值得一搏 Masterpiece, you never act it 你已然歆享過世界的傑作 But life is a movie 你的感動已銘刻在我心上 Masterpiece , you got to try it We're sure you'd be moving.