- Evanescence Imaginary 歌詞
- Evanescence
- I linger in the doorway
徘徊在門邊 Of alarm clock screaming monsters 耳邊鬧鐘尖利地鳴叫 Calling my name 像只怪物在呼喊我的名字 Let me stay 不要醒來,讓我留在此地 Where the wind will whisper to me 這裡的風對我輕聲耳語 Where the raindrops as they're falling tell a story 這裡墜落的雨滴,訴說著古老的故事 In my field of paper flowers 遍地飄落著歡騰的小紙花 And candy clouds of lullaby 棉花糖般甜蜜的搖籃曲 I lie inside myself for hours 讓我禁不住躺在這個世界裡,忘卻時間 And watch my purple sky fly over me 睡眼惺忪,看那紫色的天空向我飄來 別以為我的世界漫無邊際 Don't say I'm out of touch 你那可悲的現實才是蔓延著的混沌 With this rampant chaos - your reality 我明白,我沉睡的庇蔭處深藏著何種玄機 I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge 我逃脫那親手搭建的噩夢 The nightmare I built my own world to escape 遍地飄落著歡騰的小紙花 In my field of paper flowers 棉花糖般甜蜜的搖籃曲 And candy clouds of lullaby 讓我禁不住躺在這個世界裡,忘卻時間 I lie inside myself for hours 睡眼惺忪,看那紫色的天空向我飄來 And watch my purple sky fly over me 尖叫聲被活生生吞沒
寂靜的夜裡 Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming 恐懼的烈焰無法掐滅 Cannot cease for the fear 噢,我期盼了多久才迎來這安謐深沉的夢眠 Of silent nights 才等來這幻象之光的女神向我走來 Oh how I long for the deep sleep dreaming 遍地飄落著歡騰的小紙花 The goddess of imaginary light 棉花糖般甜蜜的搖籃曲
讓我禁不住躺在這個世界裡,忘卻時間 In my field of paper flowers 睡眼惺忪,看那紫色的天空向我飄來 And candy clouds of lullaby I lie inside myself for hours And watch my purple sky fly over me