- I threw a shoe at their Alsation 歌詞 Tamas Wells
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- Tamas Wells I threw a shoe at their Alsation 歌詞
- Tamas Wells
- I waited with the bags outside
拎著大包小包等在門外 And tell me its not justified? 這個時候告訴我不合情理? I heard them in the neighbours yard 我聽見他們就在隔壁的院子裡 Say they don't like my abstract art 大聲談論著他們不喜歡我的抽象藝術 There could be litigation 聽說還要起訴我呢 I threw a shoe at their Alsation 反手就甩了一隻破鞋去到隔壁的阿爾薩斯牧羊犬的臉上 I wonder if the fence can bear 我疑惑隔壁的柵欄是否能承受住 Ivy around everywhere? 四處生長的藤曼 [01:27.08][01:42.81] 好啦即將啟程去往柏林 Now were going to Berlin 但是似乎情況比看上去更糟糕 But that makes it sound worse than it's been. 一時間我竟不知道該說些什麼 I don't know what I should say 我清楚她不愛聽些陳詞濫調 I know the way she hates clichés 一場爭吵在所難免 And arguments that wait 冬眠的動物們 And animals that hibernate 地上還有著一群嬉戲玩耍的孩子 The crumbs of children on the ground 腦子裡還在回想著艾茲拉龐德的詩歌理論 And theories about Ezra Pound 我想我一定會 I think I will 帶她去參觀莎士比亞的牌匾 Take her to see the plaque of Dorothy Shakespear 如果你大聲喊出來 [02:32.18][02:39.53][02:46.34]If you yell it out 如果你在夜里大聲喊出來 [02:42.65]If you yell it out one night 如果你大聲喊出來 [02:49.92]They'll hear you in Berlin. 柏林的人們會聽見你的聲音!