- Damon Albarn Hollow Ponds 歌詞
- Damon Albarn
Chill on the hollow ponds 空無一人的池塘啊,如此清冷 Set sail by a kid 一個孩子迎著一股熱浪 In the heat wave that hit us all 正準備起航 1976 那是1976年 I felt the percussion 那感受到了那股碰撞 The green man had gone 當初起航的孩子已離去 Half my road was now a motorway 當初的小路如今已是高速汽車公路 1991 轉眼已是1991年 I was by the Black Sea 我呆在黑海旁 Two hours in time 一呆便是兩個小時 Spiny urchins and a new school bell 看著難搞的淘氣鬼和聽著新的學校鈴聲 1979 彷彿回到1979年 Changed into lakeside 1月的時候 In January (hollow ponds) 我回到了湖邊(空無一人啊) Modern life was sprayed onto a wall in 1993 1993年的時候,人們都著急著邁進現代生活 Where the horses and passing trains 憧憬著馬車與列車追趕 A pentangle reveals 顯而易見地 In the green woods where you walked with me 那個我和你一起走過的綠林 Ship on hollow ponds was filled 在池邊擱淺的船,現已被淹沒 Up with the dreams 嚮往著我們的夢想 Weve shared on our CDs 分享著CD光碟 Every moment now and everyday 擁抱這每一分每一秒和每一天 Every moment now and everyday 珍惜這每一分每一秒和每一天