- 小怪 Phoenix (涅槃)(翻自 Cailin Russo) 歌詞
- 小怪
- Phoenix(涅槃)
——英雄聯盟2019全球總決賽主題曲 曲: Mako組合Alex Seaver/拳頭遊戲音樂團隊 製作:拳頭遊戲音樂團隊/Mako組合Alex Seaver 願唱: Cailin Russo/Chrissy Costanza 大提琴獨奏:郭婷娜 翻唱/和聲/封面:小怪 後期:文像明
What are you willing to lose 你準備犧牲什麼 You cover your wounds but underneath them 傷痕累累,掩於心 A million voices in your head that whisper ”Stop now“ 縱有千聲鬼魅,羈絆於耳 Another twist of the knife turn of the screw 依舊披星執劍,向棘而生 It's all in your mind and it's fighting you 紛繁雜念,決於一刻 Arm yourself a storm is coming 緊握雙拳,天啟將臨 Well kid 孩子 What you gonna do now 你現在該怎麼做 It's your reflection looking back to pull you down 生存還是毀滅,係於一念之間 So are you gonna die today or make it out alive 墜入無盡深淵,或登臨永恆之殿 You gotta conquer the monster in your head andthen you'll fly 讓鬼魅臣服,你會翱於山巔 Fly Phoenix fly 烈火鳳凰,張開雙翼 It's time for a new empire 新的王朝,終將降臨 Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling 埋葬陰影,掙脫鎖鏈 Phoenix fly 烈火鳳凰,浴火飛翔
And now you're playing with matches come out ofthe ashes 星星之火,足以燎原 Underneath you a million voices in the crowd they'rescreaming ”Stop now“ 千聲鬼魅,刺耳嗥鳴 Well let 'em swallow their pride you're turning thetide to true believers 就讓陰影吞沒過去的榮耀,從死亡走向真正的信仰 Got them in the palm of your hand you're playing God now 命運在握,彷如天神下凡 What you gonna do now 你會去向哪裡 It's your reflection looking back to pull you down 生存還是毀滅,係於一念之間 So are you gonna die today or make it out alive 墜入無盡深淵,或登永恆之殿 You gotta conquer the monster in your head andthen you'll fly 征服鬼魅,翱於山巔 Fly Phoenix fly 烈火鳳凰,浴火重生 It's time for a new empire 新的王朝,終將降臨 Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling 埋葬陰影,掙脫鎖鏈 Phoenix fly . 烈火鳳凰,浴火飛翔 What you gonna do now你該去向何方 What you gonna do now你該去向何方
So are you gonna die today or make it out alive 墜入無盡深淵,或登臨永恆之殿 You gotta conquer the monster in your head andthen you'll fly 征服鬼魅,翱於山巔 Fly Phoenix fly 烈火鳳凰,浴火飛翔 It' s time for a new empire 新的王朝,終將降臨 Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling 埋葬陰影,掙脫鎖鏈 Phoenix fly 烈火鳳凰,浴火新生 by 小怪