- Ásgeir Afterglow 歌詞
- Ásgeir
- Afterglow, afterglow
餘暉,落日 Afterglow, magic show 長天一色 Shine across the earth tonight 絢麗籠罩著今夜眾生大地 Shimmering over the ocean 晚霞染橘了汪洋天際 Glow, it's aglow 光暈,斜陽 Glow, it's our magic show 多麼神奇的景象 Glimmering on the earth so bright 海面金亮 Moving along in slow motion 雲卷雲舒
波光熠熠的浩海 River of light 我知道是餘暉灑照下它這樣美 I know the afterglow makes it alright 這個場景美崙美幻
我醉在此刻 Wonderland, wonderland 攏在心裡 Wonderland, is at hand 陰鬱全散 Mastered in this heart of mine 這個時刻美輪美奐 Chasing away the shadows 我陷入此景 Land, wonderland 融於餘暉 Wonderland, is at hand 流連忘返 All abiding under your shine 燦若鉑金的瀚海 Reveling over you this this 我知道是餘暉點綴下它更這樣美
餘暉,落日 River of light 璀璨閃眸 I know the afterglow makes it alright 溫護著每個生靈
鋪滿了汪洋大海 Afterglow, afterglow 昏霞,暖暈 Afterglow, magic show 多麼攝人心魄 Shine across the earth tonight 海面瀲灩 Shimmering over the ocean 波光粼緩 Glow, it's aglow 璀璨和永恆並驥的此刻 Glow, it's our magic show 我知道是餘暉讓它這樣暖 Glimmering on the earth so bright 璀璨和永恆並驥的此刻 Moving along in slow motion 我知道是餘暉讓它更這般美
River of light I know the afterglow makes it alright River of light I know the afterglow makes it alright