- iyla Tattoo Tears 歌詞
- iyla
- My tattoo tears burn when you're near
當你靠近時我的淚滴紋身便開始刺痛 That's why I'm acting distant 那便是我疏遠你的原由 And you won't see me reminiscing, oh no 我不會讓你看我深深陷在回憶之中 In your rain, I won't drown 在你的暴雨傾盆下我未曾窒息 I can reign on my own 我能獨當一面吞下痛苦 I'ma wear your crown, throw a king off his throne 我將戴上你的王冠做我自己的主宰 I had enough, turned off 我已經受夠是時候結束這一切了 Out of love, lost trust 以愛之名持續著欺騙 On the run, what pain 在這顛沛流離中負重前行 I'm feeling, I'd rather 我覺得我還是為你 Tattoo tears, than cry for you 紋上一顆專屬的淚滴吧 Tattoo tears (一滴眼淚就是失去一個在乎的人) Tattoo tears, than cry for you 親手葬送這磨人的一切 Tattoo tears (Tattoo tears ) 在眼角紋上屬於你的淚滴 Tattoo tears, than cry for you 紋上那顆 Tattoo tears (I'd rather) 專屬於你的 Tattoo tears, than cry for you 淚滴 Tattoo tears 親手葬送這磨人的一切 I can't see them falling down my face, oh yeah 相見不如懷念吧 I can't see them falling down my face, so I'd rather 承載著這一切的淚滴 Tattoo tears, than cry for you 永遠地停留在眼睛陪伴著我 Tattoo tears (Tattoo tears) 那顆專屬於你 Tattoo tears, than cry for you 掛在我眼角 Tattoo tears 用不磨滅的 We linked up, broke off, inked up 淚滴 Your love on my skin carved your own self in 我們之間的分分合合都烙印在了這顆淚滴裡 You think I'll never be without you again 在我的皮膚上刻下了這份愛 These scars will never cease to exist 你以為我們再也不會分離 But I won't ever fill 'em, fill 'em in 我心中的傷痕和眼角的淚滴確實將永存 'Cause they gone make me badder in the end 但我永遠無法填滿治愈它們 In your rain, I won't drown 最終的最終都將讓我更糟糕 I can reign on my own 在你的暴雨傾盆下我未曾窒息 I 'ma a queen, take your crown,throw a king off his throne 我能獨當一面吞下痛苦 I had enough, turned off 我將戴上你的皇冠於萬人之上開闢新的主宰 Out of love, lost trust 我已經受夠是時候結束這一切了 On the run, what pain 以愛之名持續著欺騙 I'm feeling, I'd rather 在這顛沛流離中負重前行 Tattoo tears, than cry for you 心中的墮落同希望天人交戰 Tattoo tears 唯有眼角的淚滴 Tattoo tears, than cry for you 承載著所有的苦痛和歡樂 Tattoo tears (Tattoo tears) 隱隱作痛閃著光 Tattoo tears, than cry for you 掛在我的眼角 Tattoo tears (I'd rather) 伴著後悔 Tattoo tears, than cry for you 隨著快樂 Tattoo tears 顫抖著把一切 I can't see them falling down my face, oh yeah 全都埋葬 I can't see them falling down my face, so I'd rather 我已蛻變放下了你 Tattoo tears, than cry for you 我已涅槃重拾起自己 Tattoo tears (Tattoo tears) 眼角留下的印記 Tattoo tears, than cry for you 永遠只為你存在 Tattoo tears 眼角留下的印記 (Tears, tears) 永遠提醒著自己 My skies fade back to blue 埋下的這一切 And my eyes won't cry for you 我的天空雨過天晴煥發著藍色