- Hotel Books Intro 歌词
- Hotel Books
- "I made an album called Equivalency, it's the story about Sarah and David,
我制作了一张名为Equivalency的专辑,是关于莎拉和大卫的故事, this f– ficticious couple that I created to have this narrative of a couple who falls in love and then breaks up, and it was a story that I was really excited to tell, 我创造了一对虚构的情侣,讲述了一对坠入爱河然后分手的情侣,这是一个让我非常激动的故事, and to this day it's one of my favorite– 直到今天,它还是我的最爱之一- uh, creative projects I've ever been blessed to be a part of. 呃,我有幸参与过创意项目。 But there are certain chapters of the story in the songs that didn't see the light of day, 但有些章节的故事在歌曲中看不到阳光, and I wanted... I wanted to share the whole story. 我想。。。我想分享整个故事。 And– but before I share their story, I wanna... share more of mine, too. 但是在我分享他们的故事之前,我想。。。分享我的更多。 This is a poem I wrote before Hotel Books existed, when I wanted to be a poet." 这是一首我在酒店书籍出现之前写的诗,当时我想成为一名诗人。 [Poem] 这只是一个技巧,或者说是一个技巧和抛光列表, "It's just an artifice, or artifacts and polished lists follows in this, 你可以量化囊肿,直到它癌变或危险,在它交给分析员之前,你统一起来做 and you'll quantify the cyst until it's cancerous or hazardous and you unify and do me right before it's handed to an ****yst. 然后不适当的道歉和橄榄树给用新电池制造的幸福的姿态插上了一根树枝, And then inadequate apologies and olive trees lending a branch to the stance of happiness manufactured with a new battery, 为了迎合管理的需要,为了掩盖这一点,我要问: and flattering the pandering of managing and hemorrhaging of masking this, so I'm asking this: 灵魂的改变仅仅是因为它和它的模式押韵? does the spirit change just 'cause it rhymes with its patterns? 他们似乎很好地利用了时间,或者。。。只有实质性的东西才重要吗? It seemed like they make good use of time, or... does it only matter if it's substance? 比如说,有没有一种方法可以到达天堂而不致于死亡,还有过去的迷雾,我们的骨头是灰尘,我们在中生锈,或者在自认是武器化的滑稽动作的情况下,在食人族弹道中生锈? Like, is there a way to get to heaven without dying, and the passing mists where our bones are dust, and we rust in the ******** or the cannibalistics ballistics on self-evidence of a weaponized antic? 我们从一个火箭或一个装满了堆积如山的管道和管道的插座中起飞,这些管道和管道吸收了从你的大脑到你的智能手机,再到撒旦遥远的藏身之家的打字。 And we blast off from a rocket or a socket full of piled-up ruckus of ducts and piping that suck up with the typing from your brain to your smartphone, to Satan's old home in distant hiding. 有一个离开天堂的地方,因为我想我们不是很聪明,我们会犯一百万个错误来取代这些恶魔。 There's a place to exit Heaven, 'cause I guess we weren't brilliant and we're gonna make a million or make a million mistakes that replace these demons. 只要一把盐和光就可以得到正确的称呼,称之为攻击,而且名字就刻在十字架的背面,被一些想从深坑里钻出来的人所渴望,在渗透的力量决定追赶太阳,击碎人的背部,这样他们就可以跑了。 Just a handful of salt and light to get the right way to call it assault, and name on the back of the cross carved by blood and craved by some who want to get out of a hole dug deep before the seeping force decided to chase after the sun and break the backs of men so they can run. 它是如此的普通和模仿,我从来没有什么意思。 It's so generic and copycat and nothing that I ever meant. 总统回电给我,但我的立场不会有任何改变,因为我是一个宽恕伪造愿望和在破碎骨骼的壁橱里囤积拳头的证人。你对我犯的错误满意吗? The president called me back, but my stance wouldn't make a difference 'cause I'm a witness to the forgiveness of forging wishes and hoarding fists in the closet of broken skeletons. Are you happy with the mistakes I made? 不,因为现在你必须表现出来,看到我行为的后果,像仙人掌一样折断了我的背 No. 'Cause now you have to behave, seeing the consequences of how I acted, broke my back like a cactus just so you could see 我已经准备好采取行动并上演一场表演, that I'm ready to call action and put on a show, 所以我知道当我追逐灯光的时候。。。 so I know while I'm chasing the lights... 光线在减弱。 the light's fading. 因为这只是练习。。。 'Cause this was all just practice... 一辈子我可能会好起来。” for a life I might get right."