- Bryson Tiller Rambo 歌词
- Bryson Tiller
- This is not, this is not
这绝对不是 This is not, this is not a motherfuck- 这可绝对不是一场游戏 A motherfucking game, motherfucker, this is not 小子 这可绝对不是一场游戏 This is not, a motherfucking game, why you playin' boy? 小子 这可绝对不是一场游戏 为何你要作死? I'm just saying boy 我只是说说而已 Yeah 哥就像Rambo 这些弱鸡都得跪地求饶 【Tiller自比电影《第一滴血》的主角Rambo】 Wollan, wollan, wollan 都是这些蠢货逼着我 不得不要了他们的小命 Wollan, wollan, wollan, wollan 我知道他们都希望哥倒下 看看哥现在的状态 Wollan nuh, wollan nuh 昂首挺胸 威震八方 Rambo, they begging for mercy, like the Lambo' 哥杀人从不眨眼 就像Rambo No they told me kill them all, goddamn though 没有弹药 哥依然取得胜利 I know they want to see me fall, look where I am though 把敌人斩尽杀绝 这就是哥的能力 On two feet, that's where I stand though 哥向来低调行事 但你却惹上了一个狠角色 I'm a true fucking killer, like Rambo 你竟敢在哥面前撒野 这是自寻死路 No ammo, they see me on the Sanyo 哥就是新时代的Pen Griffey 一统江山 Nigga, I just kill 'em because I can though 只要哥一出手 就天下我有 I'm as humble as they come, but you're fucking with the wrong one 哥可没跟你们闹着玩 Boy you're fucking with the wrong one 哥就是个十足的恶棍 This that new Pen Griffey, watch that nigga get a home run 哥意志如钢铁 而他们都像塑料一样脆弱 Watch him hit it, that's a home run 那些质疑哥的蠢货 根本不值一提 I ain't playin' wit' you nigga's 别怪哥对你们翻脸 因为哥的钞票早已数不过来 I'm a true Louis Villain 哥白手起家 如今已能自力更生 I'm the realest, they acrylic 把每一分钱都存好 因为我早已受够了失败的滋味 Fuck them niggas if they doubt it 我出卖灵魂的那一天 就是我进入地狱之时 Say I'm flippin' up, but so is a money counter 不愿受任何人的奴役 就像Dave Chappelle一样 I've been getting up, 'bout pay my self allowance 他们都没资格跟哥混 哥把他们都打发走 And I save it like the bell, I can't take no more L's 告诉哥的经纪人 别再放那些妹子进来了 The day I sell my soul, that's the day I go to hell 哥还得认真工作呢 除非这妞确实功夫不错 Been putting on a show, just like Dave, I'm Chappelle 能激发哥创作音乐的灵感 They ain't make it in the credits, I'ma tell them oh well 这种生活方式给哥带来这么多好处 哥就是要秀你们一脸 Tell Steve, don't let no more bitches in the hotel 哥就像Rambo 这些弱鸡都得跪地求饶 【Tiller自比电影《第一滴血》的主角Rambo】 Niggas gotta get the work, girl unless you gon' twerk something 都是这些蠢货逼着我 不得不要了他们的小命 While I lay this verse on em' 我知道他们都希望哥倒下 看看哥现在的状态 Damn this lifestyle got a lot of perks on it, I'm just saying nigga (Young Tiller) 昂首挺胸 威震八方 Rambo, they begging for mercy, like the Lambo' 哥杀人从不眨眼 就像Rambo No they told me kill them all, goddamn though 没有弹药 哥依然取得胜利 I know they want to see me fall, look where I am though 把敌人斩尽杀绝 这就是哥的能力 On two feet, that's where I stand though 哥并不是昙花一现 哥就是要向他们证明哥的实力 I'm a true fucking killer, like Rambo 哥虽然刚出道 但几年之后哥就会像史泰龙一样 No ammo, they see me on the Sanyo 哥一直努力奋斗 你也知道哥的战斗力还在不断提升 Nigga, I just kill em because I can though 那些因为哥的成功而谄媚的小人 都别想在这分一杯羹 This ain't temporary, I've been out here letting them know 妹子们都选择了我而抛弃了你们 因为你们太屌丝 New cat, years later, best Sylvester Stallone 你们都太平庸 而哥却财源滚滚 I've been working hard, I've been doing better, ya know 哥就像一头野兽 凶残的食肉动物 Peep the freeloaders, we won't be breaking bread with them, no 哥就像魂斗罗里的战士 【《魂斗罗》的主角原型之一就是史泰龙主演的Rambo】 She chose me over him, cause he's was so regular, oh 那些不要脸的碧池哥都看不上眼 都分给弟兄们享用吧 He was so regular, I'm like a butler getting his dough 全身穿金戴银 因为哥的地盘固若金汤 I'm like a monster, or a motherfucking Predator 刚买了新的座驾 Oh-na-na-na, Soldier like Contra 跳进崭新的双门敞篷保时捷跑车 I don't fuck with thotties, I pass them to my partner 小妞你也知道哥花钱如流水 All gold everything, bitch I'm Fort Knoxin' 过去哥都是用预算想方设法省钱 New sports car man 如今一叠叠钞票都要把皮筋崩断 I'm new Porsche coppin', two door hop in 哥就像MVP级别的卡片 超过所有人的价值 Girl you know how I spend 哥也知道哥的钞票会让喷子们嫉妒不已 And I've been trying to budget my checks and the rest with the money, money 你们都等着瞧吧 因为 Rubber bands getting stretched with the hundreds, hundreds 这绝对不是 M.V.P upper deck with the money, money 这可绝对不是一场游戏 Don't I make the haters upset with the money 小子 这可绝对不是一场游戏 Bitch, I'm coming cuz 小子 这可绝对不是一场游戏 为何你要作死? This is not, this is not a 我只是说说而已 This is not a motherfuck- Tiller! A motherfucking game, this is not, this is not This is not, a motherfucking game, why you playin' boy? I'm just saying boy Tiller!