- Louis Tomlinson Two of Us 歌词
- Louis Tomlinson
- [length: 03:37.887]
自从我拿起电话已经过去一分钟 [tool: 歌词滚动姬 https://lrc-maker.github.io] 只有自动应答回复着我 It's been a minute since I called you 我知道这通电话你再也接不到了 Just to hear the answerphone 但我还是留下了我的消息好像我就不那么孤单 Yeah, I know that you won't get this 清晨醒来却仍像身处梦境 But I'll leave a message so I'm not alone 那些不断浮现的记忆 This morning I woke up still dreaming 你永远都不会知道我有多想念你 With memories playing through my head 他们带着你离开的那一天 You'll never know how much I miss you 但你曾说不能半途而废 The day that they took you, I wish it was me instead 凭借着日积月累总能做到 But you once told me, "Don't give up 既然是颗钻石就应该散发自己的光芒 You can do it day by day" 所以我会陪着你一起,日复一日,直到我生命的尽头 And diamonds, they don't turn to dust or fade away 因为这是我们两个人的生活 So I will keep you, day and night, here until the day I die 我会努力成为最好的自己,就好像你依旧在身旁鼓励我一样 I'll be living one life for the two of us 我会为了我们而更好的活下去 I will be the best of me, always keep you next to me 尽管我已形影相吊,但我知道我不会孤单 I'll be living one life for the two of us 在我的心上永远烙印着你最喜欢的歌词 Even when I'm on my own, I know I won't be alone 我知道你会在天上注视着我,我发誓我会成为让你最骄傲的人 Tattooed on my heart are the words of your favourite song 这个生活是属于我们二人的 I know you'll be looking down, swear I'm gonna make you proud 我能感觉你的血液在我身体中流淌的温热 I'll be living one life for the two of us 你已经被深深嵌入我的基因之中 I could feel your blood run through me 回首美好过去 You're written in my DNA 我知道你还在静静等待,我知道我们总有一天会再次见面 Looking back in every mirror 就像你曾说千万不能放弃 I know you'll be waiting, I'll see you again 脚踏实地一步一步总会迈向成功 But you once told me, "Don't give up 是颗闪耀的钻石便不会被尘土所掩盖光芒 You can do it day by day" 我会守在你身旁,不论多久,直到世界走到尽头 And diamonds, they don't turn to dust or fade away (Fade away) 我会为了你而开始新生活 So I will keep you, day and night, here until the day I die 我要重回巅峰,重回你还在身旁的日子 I'll be living one life for the two of us 寄托着你的希望而活 I will be the best of me, always keep you next to me 尽管只身一人,我却感受不到孤独 I'll be living one life for the two of us 我心中铭刻着你最喜欢的歌词 Even when I'm on my own, I know I won't be alone 我知道你总会在上面为我加油鼓劲,我不会让你失望的 Tattooed on my heart are the words of your favourite song 我会为了我们好好努力 I know you'll be looking down, swear I'm gonna make you proud 就像我曾向你承诺的一样 I'll be living one life for the two of us 这一切的美好都是为了你 I promised you I'd do this 我向上帝保证你一定还活在我的心中 So all of this is all for you 让我用实际行动来践行吧 Oh, I swear to God you're living 我会陪伴你的左右,不曾间断,直到我也老去 Through everything I'll ever do 带着你的期望接着前进 So I will keep you, day and night, here until the day I die 成为完美的自己,好让你永远陪伴我 I'll be living one life for the two of us 我会过着为两个人而活的生活 I will be the best of me, always keep you next to me 尽管我形单影只,但我从来不会有孤独之感 I'll be living one life for the two of us 心上的纹着的就是那首你最爱的歌 Even when I'm on my own, I know I won't be alone 你不必在天上为我担忧,我会成为你骄傲的儿子 Tattooed on my heart are the words of your favourite song 为了你的爱大步前行 I know you'll be looking down, swear I'm gonna make you proud 为了两个人的希冀 I'll be living one life for the two of us 继续两个人的生活 One life for the two of us 终结不过是一个新的开始 I'll be living one life for the two of us 只有我和你在一起 We'll end just like we started 我会将你的手放在我心的位置上 Just you and me and no one else 让你感受我为你的爱而坚持的决心 I will hold you where my heart is One life for the two of us