- Life Awaits Worst Intentions 歌词
- Life Awaits
不断不断地 Over and over again 我们被内在的苦痛所折磨 We are afflicted by a bitter plague within 于这不同做斗争 Fight against the difference 这样我们才能够存活到下一个季度 so we can live by another season 定义这爱,定义和平,这一切我们所需要的毫无意义之物 Define love, Define Peace, Define every useless thing we need 拒绝承认真相与我们的疾病,在那之后让一切化作现实 Deny truth and our disease, then make believe 如果我们能改变周边的一切只是等待着被人发现 If we could turn things around and just wait to be found 你是否会来这拯救我 Would you come back here and rescue me 如果我们能回到孤身一人的时候 If we could go back in time with nobody else 心中是否仍有真诚残留 Would there be honesty left in me 一片又一片,一天又一天 Pieces by pieces, day by day 我们用撕裂的方法驱使自我 We drove ourselves into separate ways 但内心早已容不下自己的救世主 There’s no room in our hearts for a savior 有光芒的地方却只有阴影映射我的模样 Where there is light there’s a shadow reflecting me. 不断又不断地 Over and over again 我所站立之处即我所被埋葬之所 The ground i stand is the grave i strand 这是否让我变得不再像一个人类 Does it make me less of man 放手那些素未谋面的梦想 Giving up the dreams i never met 定义这爱,定义和平,这一切我们所需要的毫无意义之物 Define love, Define Peace, Define every useless thing we need 拒绝承认真相与我们的疾病,这落幕寻求着濒死之人 Deny truth and our disease, the curtain calls for a dying breed 我已厌倦活着,呼吸着自己这令人作呕的动机和所最憎恶的一切 I’m so sick of living and breathing for my worst intentions and everything i hated the most 我已受够了恳求与说教着溺入心魔,如同孤魂野鬼一般居无定所 I’m so done with pleading and preaching to drown this obsession and wander like a ******* ghost 化为碎片,逝者如斯 Pieces by pieces, day by day. 我们用撕裂的方法驱使自我 We drove ourselves into separate ways 但内心早已容不下自己的救世主 There’s no room in our hearts for a savior 有光芒的地方却只有阴影映射我的模样 Where there is light there’s a shadow reflecting me. 这些恶魔抢走了属于我的安宁 These demons rob me of my serenity 我失去双目,再也无法触及任何人 I can’t see and i can’t reach to anyone 他们沉重地倚在我的胸膛之上 They lay so heavy on my chest 我只是觉得病了 I’m just feeling sick 我现在觉得病了 I am feeling sick. 支离破碎,白驹过隙 Pieces by pieces, day by day 我们用着与众不同的方式驱使自我 We drove ourselves into separate ways 但内心再也无法容纳救赎之人 There’s no room in our hearts for a savior 在这光芒四射之地却只有暗影倒射出我的模样 Where there is light there’s a shadow reflecting me