- Damian Marley It Was Written 歌词
- Damian Marley
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记述于此 It Was Written (Ft. Stephen Marley, Capleton And The Drag-On) - Damian 一切记述于生命之书 It was written up in the book of life 那人一直承受苦痛 That man shall endure forever more 一切记述于生命之书 It was written up in the book of life 那人仍将一直承受 That man shall endure forever more 你要明白那笔 Well did you know the pen 胜于匕首有力 Is stronger than the knife 刀斧加身,至多一死 They can kill you once 白纸黑字,流传永世 But they can't kill you twice 而那肉体的毁灭 Did you know destruction of the flesh 并非生命终结 Is not di ending to life 无须惧怕异端 Fear not of the anti-christ 你要相信我 Did you know that I 生于万物之初 Exist before the earth 而我的双眼 And did you know my eyes 即是此世的灵窗 Are window to the world 圣地不会对你开放 Did you know you can't go ah Zion 若你留着 jerry curls(发型) and ah wear jerry curls 混淆了性别的界限 Can't tell di boys from di girls 躯体只是媒介 Your bodies just a vehicle 灵魂承载其中 Transporting the soul 此赤子之心 It's what's inside people 请你一定坚守 Is beauty to behold 无须惧怕魔鬼 Fear not of evil 肉体日渐衰老 Every day dem flesh it grow old 被时间流转消磨 Changes of the times take a toll 一切记述在生命之书 It was written up in the book of life 那人一直承受苦痛 That man shall endure forever more 一切记述在生命之书 It was written up in the book of life 那人仍将一直承受 That man shall endure forever more 每当高呼这名字,窥视者就感到恐惧 The one ya name, fear is in the eyes of di beholder 爱因有爱之人恒久存在 And love is in the presence of the love maker 圣者述说生命的奥义 Life is in the words of the comforter 恒久忍耐 Endure much longer 生生不息 Live much longer 窥视者恐惧吧 Fear is in the eyes of di beholder 爱因有爱之人恒久存在 And love is in the presence of the love maker 圣者述说生命的奥义 Life is in the words of the comforter 恒久忍耐 Endure much longer 生生不息 Live much longer 那就是Rastafari ,衣装端严 A vester on his chest and Rastafari is his name 赐予你我永不磨灭的生 The gift of everlasting life for us to all sustain 可有人占着一切赐福 Blessing that you all be got 却将训诫抛之脑后 Lessons taught you all forgot 亲近Rasta嗤之以鼻的 Rasta call it shit you not 先知Elijah Do you remember Elijah 他那击溃千军的火焰 And his chariot of flames 亦燃烧在我的血脉里 Same blood that runs thru my veins 高呼你的名字,窥视者将恐惧 The one ya name, fear is in the eyes of di beholder 爱因有爱之人恒久存在 And love is in the presence of the love maker 圣者述说生命的奥义 Life is in the words of the comforter 恒久忍耐 Endure much longer 生生不息 Live much longer 窥视者恐惧吧 Fear is in the eyes of di beholder 爱因有爱之人恒久存在 And love is in the presence of the love maker 圣者述说生命的奥义 Life is in the words of the comforter 恒久忍耐 Endure much longer 生生不息 Live much longer 谨慎取悦陌生人 Careful of you, entertain stranger Selaisse 怎会出生在马槽里 Selaisse never born inna nuh manger 我不会折磨救世主 I'll never crucify as me savior 我将虔诚请他掌管一切 Elect off himself inna the ruler 记住巴比伦的覆灭吧 Babylon nah function well dem a failure 当心手机和传呼机 So be careful of dem cellular and pager 我在它们身上看到危险的预示 Cause I sign see dem I see danger 是的,它们很方便,可 Selaissel 无所不能 Seh dem great but SelaisseI greater 那人一直承受苦痛 .That man shall endure forever more 一切记述在生命之书 It was written up in the book of life 那人仍将一直承受 That man shall endure forever more 他令我全心追随,即使枪林弹雨 He did mi wanna lick upon shots 血流如注 Upon a bloodclad 那些粗鲁的警察填补吧 And fill the block with bomrush cops 他们准会说知道我在现场 Cops mi dun talk you know you watch me walks in 一个黑人女性在纽约被侮辱时 While black woman is getting raped across New York And 另一具可怜的遗体被发现之前 Before another brother's in chalk And 想想他们说,看啊,你儿子死了 I 'magine somebody said that's your son dead, see him? 看啊,我们总是在犯罪 See us we do the crime we do the time 你们毫发无伤离开斯科特 Y'all get away scott free 警察会在你开枪前开枪 So police mi gonna pop you b'fore you pop me 若被你追上事情就糟 Cause if you get me you got me you shot me 从我是个小屁孩时了解我 Know'll lot me carry shotty since moms slap me 我房间邋遢 Cause my room sloppy 最年轻黑人,不被束缚,正是我 The youngest nigga out the camp is me 无人偏爱于我 But nobody pampered me 你最好别骗我 So you better don't ramp with me 我玩的不大 Fi see me, me don't play plenty 可卑微如我也能奋力一搏 Chicks me blazed many 赚钱无数 Raised plenty fi dollars 奢品如林 Storm upon mi prada 看一个咆哮的炸弹 Watch a bomb holla 看它发射,又坠落在地 Watch 'I'm run, hit the floor 说我曾来过,但没成功 Told 'I'm come, come no 把大麻扔进空气 Throw ya ganja pon de air plah Plah 一切记述在生命之书 It was written up in the book of life 那人仍将一直承受 That man shall endure forever more 留意棍棒和石头 Watch for sticks and stones 成堆堵在路上 Stumbling blocks in piles 生活是条康庄大道 Life is one big road 一望无际,没有尽头 Miles on top of miles 称颂灵魂吧 So blessed be the soul 它从来保持童真 That always remains a child 很多人甚至不曾微笑 And most people don't even smile 这自然奥秘 There's a natural mystic 无处不在 Blowing in tru the air 请让它保持本真 So keep it realistic 时刻警惕 And always be aware 这真相呼之欲出 The truth is crying out 如此醒目悦耳 And it's so loud and so clear 大多数人却未曾听见 But most people won't even hear 精神污染无孔不入 Spiritual pollution is in the atmosphere 如此混乱不堪 And with so much confusion 在这里怎么找到快乐 Can one be happy here Rastafari的赐予一视同仁 The gift of Rastafari is for all man to share 但有些不是那么公平 But some would rather to be so unfair 一切记述在生命之书 It was written up in the book of life 那人一直承受苦痛 That man shall endure forever more 一切记述在生命之书 It was written up in the book of life 那人仍将一直承受 That man shall endure forever more