- when we were 16 歌词 Mishaal Powfu Rxseboy
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- Rxseboy when we were 16 歌词
- Mishaal Powfu Rxseboy
Ayy,我与一位女孩在16岁的时候就坠入了爱河 Ayy, I fell in love when I was 16 她是一个好女孩,但我们的感情最终还是面临的终结 Met a nice girl, the feelings hit me 我们都还太年轻,对爱情还一无所知 Didn't know much, I was too young then 她独自在家中度过了阴暗的时光并开始变得沉默寡言 She had a hard time at home and words were unsaid 我和她在16岁的时候就坠入了爱河 I fell in love when I was 16 本以为她是我生命里命中注定的女孩,可是最后我们还是伤害了对方 Met a nice girl, the feelings hit me 我们都还太年轻太天真了,我们对爱情还一无所知 Didn't know much, I was too young then 我本希望我可以牵着你的手一起打破这重重困境 I wish I helped you out, I could have held your hand Yeah,身边的朋友都劝告你赶紧离开我 Yeah, everybody told you to leave, get away, girl 你说我已经逐渐变成你讨厌的人 Said I'm turning into the person you hate, girl 你挥舞着拳头重重地打在了我的脸上 Started throwing fists, getting up on my face, girl 你大发雷霆,那不仅仅是一时的冲动 Then you threw a fit, it was more than a phase, girl 你也无法逃脱这个心结 In a place you could never get out of 你的内心思想与最后的结果作斗争 Inside you were fighting the outcome 我希望你可以摆脱那成千上万的无意义的想法 Lot of thoughts that I wish you could outrun 但一切全都过去了,你最后还是永远的离开了我 But it all caught up you're now gone 为什么你还是选择离开了我,我还想再牵起你那纤细的手 (Why'd you go, hold your hand) 为什么你还是选择离开了我,我还想再与你来一次热情的拥抱 (Why'd you go, hold your hand) 为什么你还是选择离开了我,我还想再品品你那甘甜的唇 (Why'd you go, hold your hand) 永远和我在一起好不好?我真的不能没有你,但是为什么你还是离开了我 (Stay with me, why'd you leave) 我与一位女孩在16岁的时候就坠入了爱河 Yeah, I fell in love when I was 16 她是一个好女孩,但我们的感情最终还是面临的终结 Met a nice girl, the feelings hit me 我们都还太年轻,对爱情还一无所知 Didn't know much, I was too young then 她独自在家中度过了阴暗的时光并开始变得沉默寡言 She had a hard time at home and words were unsaid 我和她在16岁的时候就坠入了爱河 I fell in love when I was 16 本以为她是我生命里命中注定的女孩,可是最后我们还是伤害了对方 Met a nice girl, the feelings hit me 我们都还太年轻太天真了,我们对爱情还一无所知 Didn't know much, I was too young then 我本希望我可以牵着你的手一起打破这重重困境(淦) I wish I helped you out, I could have held your (damn) 我们在16岁的时候就坠入了爱河 I fell in love when I was 16 我们总是依偎在一起谈论我们宏大的梦想 And we always talked about our big dreams 但接下来发生的一系列事情使我失去了她,我真的好孤独 But next thing I knew she's gone, I'm lonely Yeah,她为了和以前的我在一起结束了自己美好的生面 Yeah, she took her life to be with the old me 对不起,真的好对不起,对不起 I'm sorry, girl, I'm sorry 这些痛苦一直伴随着我,每次都在聚会上喝的不省人事 Too much pain, getting drunk every party 我感觉我的心早就已经停止跳动 I've been felling off like the pause in my heartbeat 对不起啊,真的很对不起,我还很爱着你 Girl, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Aye,yeah,对不起我总是这么一事无成,对不起我一直是个废物
我并没有看剧本 Aye, yeah, sorry I'm a bag of shxt 我没能得到暗示,我不知道你会受伤 I find that my eyes didn't read the script 现在的你身处极乐天堂,而我却在这人间炼狱饱受煎熬 I didn't get the hints, I didn't see your hurt 我讨厌你的母亲把你独自留在家里 Now you up in heaven and I'm stuck on earth 家里只有你与你那只沉迷于醉酒的老爸 I hate your mom for leaving you at home 从学校一路走来,家里来了一个新女孩 Only you and your dad with his alcohol 毒品堆满了桌板,你的父亲还躺在沙发上 Walk home from school, a new girl in your house 我的挚爱离开了人世,没有给我留下一点信息 Drxgs on the table and your dad on the couch 我并不知道在此这前发生过什么,不过现在我一直在新闻里得知了答案 My girlfriend left and never left me clues 我真的好希望我有能力能够回到过去 Didn't know this before, now I know from the news 我会痛扁你的老爸一顿并且确保你还安然无事 I wish I had the power to go back in time 把那缰绳砍断并展现我是有多么多么的在乎你 I would punch your dad and make sure you're fine 上帝啊,我真的想念你的面庞和你那可爱的绿色瞳孔 I would cut that rope and show you I care 每当我闭上眼睛,我还能看到你就在那里 Jeez I miss your face and that cute green stare 空荡荡的房间里与一把瘫倒的椅子 When I close my eye, I can see your there 惘然回首,我真的太年轻了 In the empty room with a fallen chair 不,我只是不能明白 Looking back I was too young 我好希望我能拯救你于水深火热之中,成为守护你一生一世的骑士 No, I didn't understand Aye,但是,对不起啊,我做不到了... I wish that I could save you now 我知道或许这些并不是我的过错 Aye, sorry that I can't 但是我知道我有能力帮助你 I know I'm not to blame 也许你根本没有必要离开 But i know i could have helped 如果我有去关心过你的感受...对不起...我还是很爱你 Maybe you wouldn't be gone If i just asked you how you feel