- 88888So巴索 夜半微醺 歌词
- Don G 88888So巴索
- 后期:梅川业
封面:逸帆 Get out my office Drink da some whiskey ya feel like post Malone just dancing with R&B yeah 未读消息都不搭理 小块牛肉配点咖喱 Do whatever I want to do fxxk that rules tonight Get out my office Drink da some whiskey ya feel like post Malone just dancing with R&B yeah 未读消息都不搭理 小块牛肉配点咖喱 Do whatever I want to do fxck that rules tonight 十点半了依旧不想睡觉Wechat响了又响 oh shxxxxt! 打开CD跟着摇晃打开铅黄电影任性我不看 烟雾缭绕有点上头又干了半杯红酒 倒在我的海绵沙发上 这种感觉so dope so dope so dope 拍几张photos 往朋友圈里丢 没任何的理由我抛开无聊多余的借口 想更多的放纵 一个人的邂逅 body放空睡不够梦太多 keeping on my cool i do i wanna do trouble不在乎say ya ya ya 舒适的温度 in my bathroom 身旁飘着雾ya ya Air Jordan on my foot 伸手快要抓住moon 不断下陷 梦里面身体不断下坠腾云踩着雾 ya ya ya ya 诶 没有外人逐渐卸下防备 吞云吐雾换了几种口味 磨人的烦恼都放到后背 it’s all be ok I say 哒 -开始放空- 夜夜烦恼作祟 点燃香烟偶尔过肺 加了冰的威士忌来开胃 打开音乐随时随地派对 穿过冷冰水泥钢筋 调制难忘又自由的光阴 城市游行 keep chilling 让人醉的往往不是酒精 是往事 如水 想抓住 it's too late 面对 或者回味 没有遗憾才不完美 欲望 金钱 很多人的想法不在表面 灯火通明的城市很耀眼 每一扇门后面都有抱怨 就离开了喧闹关闭社交软件 we dancing in the moonlight 不必身手矫健 心情自动更新每天都很新鲜 身体放松all night ALL night 3 2 1 Get out my office Drink da some whiskey ya feel like post Malone just dancing with R&B yeah 未读消息都不搭理 小块牛肉配点咖喱 Do whatever I want to do fxck that rules tonight Get out my office Drink da some whiskey ya feel like post Malone just dancing with R&B yeah 未读消息都不搭理 小块牛肉配点咖喱 Do whatever I want to do fxck that rules tonight