- Syd Matters Lost 歌词
- Syd Matters
- Is it something I want is it something I don't
我是她拿着打火机时面对的一棵树 A tree I was she had a lighter in the hand 男孩们在20岁时越燃越亮 Boys they burn brighter in their 20's 多年来我都希望她能尝试理解 With the years I hope she tries to understand 闭上你的嘴然后安静地观看节目才是好孩子该做的 Be a good kid you shut up and watch the show 那“全能”的教师合唱团 The teacher's choir almighty 它只告诉你需要知道的那些事 It sings to you all the things you need to know 哦,我还没准备好 Ooh I wasn't ready 看见鲨鱼们矫健的身姿 See the sharks controlling the undertow 带着我乘风破浪 And making the waves I'm riding 我一直在幻想过着无拘无束的生活 I've been thinking about my life above the law 以及它的后果 The consequences 他们控制着我的思想 They had a power over me 他们控制着我的行为 They had a power over me 我不确定我是否理解正确 I'm not sure if I get it right 那是我说过的吗?是我做过的吗? Was it something I said was it something I tried 我开始坚信你正在有目的地努力着 I'm beginning to believe you started a fight on purpose 孤独是一个多么奇怪的感觉 What a strange feeling to be alone 我来这里可不是为了把它搞错的 I'm not here to get it wrong 那是我渴求的吗?是我摈弃的吗? I'm beginning to forget our starting point on purpose 我开始忘记我们的初心和目的 What a strange feeling to be lost 迷失是一个多么奇怪的感觉 I'm not sure if I get it right 我不确定我是否理解正确 Was it something I said was it something I tried 我说过吗?我做过吗? I'm beginning to believe you started a fight on purpose 你一定在有目的地努力吧 What a strange feeling to be lost x4 迷失是一种多么奇怪的感觉 Strange... 真奇怪......