- Robert Plant Big Log 歌词
- Robert Plant
- My love is in league with the freeway
吾爱总是驰骋在高速公路上 It's passion will ride, as the cities fly by 激情飞扬 城市转瞬即逝 And the tail-lights dissolve, in the coming of night. 尾灯消溶在夜幕降临时 And the questions in thousands take flight 千头万绪随之烟消云散
吾爱总是在路上等我 My love is the miles and the waiting 两眼痴痴地望着 偶尔瞟一眼时间 The eyes that just stare, and a glance at the clock 幽秘在心中燃起 苦痛永不消停 And the secret that burns, and the pain that won't stop 悠长无尽的岁月化作燃料 And it's fuel is the years 带我一路前行 Leading me on 驰骋在这无尽延伸的路上 Leading me down the road 带我走吧 走吧 Driving me on, driving me down the road 吾爱总是超速驾驶一骑绝尘
两眼发红极其亢奋 伴随着引擎的低吟 My love is exceeding the limit 距离和渴望 我的思绪纷乱交织 Red-eyed and fevered with the hum of the miles 我该靠边稍作歇息吗 Distance and longing, my thoughts do collide 你的爱人只知埋头自理 Should I rest for a while, on the side 眼睛盯着镜子 仍然期待重头再来 Your love is cradled in knowing 感觉何其美妙 当旅程结束之时 Eyes in the mirror, still expecting they'll come 已经无法回头啦 Sensing too well, when the journey is done 无法回头 只能向前狂奔 There is no turning back, no 吾爱总是驰骋在高速公路上 There is no turning back, on the run. 噢 无穷无尽的路啊
夜色随时降临 My love is in league with the freeway 吾爱 Oh, the freeway, 吾爱 And the coming of night-time 一生都驰骋在这路上 My love, My love, Is in league with the freeway