- 947.ASH TOP 歌词
- 947.ASH
- 作词:947.ASH
很多的事情我做过但是后悔做错 生命中的云云过客也难免擦肩错过 一直往前全凭著一股狠劲 试图擦掉身体拚搏之后的痕迹 虽然有落寞还是要倔强抬起头 要break wall再向大家激动挥着手 向过往的曾经笑着说再见 用尽全力去争取下一个赛点 不艳羡不善变也会不受人待见 受伤的惆怅的只是区区一场败战 会感到难堪 这是阻挡不了你的栏杆 将人生颠覆翻转 阴霾一刀斩断
I climbed up the mountain faith in my hands Put your worries behind on the highest top stand Be a Hustle man I know how do I can Nobody knows me but I am always the N0.one I climbed up the mountain faith in my hands Put your worries behind on the highest top stand Be a Hustle man I know how do I can Nobody knows me but I am always the N0.one
我说过我的故事记在心里写在桌前 我丢掉一切烦恼因为是噩梦的开端 选择的路一定自己要走完 别问了我总是这样英雄孤单 谁也别想把我打倒也做不了我的梦魇 我就这样冲到最前一口气冲到终点 哪怕有千难万险挡在我的面前 脚步不会停下一脚踢向天边 就是这样拚命的怪物 所有事情对我来说没有任何难处 要拼到何时才告诉我这算输 眼光不会停留在这高山半途 而废之后又是一场烂醉 拿着酒瓶高声喊著万岁 这样堕落的自己应该狠狠踩碎 给一切的不开心都统统判罪 要统统击溃
I climbed up the mountain faith in my hands Put your worries behind on the highest top stand Be a Hustle man I know how do I can Nobody knows me but I am always the N0.one I climbed up the mountain faith in my hands Put your worries behind on the highest top stand Be a Hustle man I know how do I can Nobody knows me but I am always the N0.one