- Yansee怔妍熙 饕餮盛宴(Gluttonous feast) 歌词
- Yansee怔妍熙
- 编曲:Yansee怔妍熙
混音:Yansee怔妍熙 (Flexing Yansee) 冠冕堂皇的作秀都按照剧本走 Gorgeous shows are designed by the script 打工人自力更生 We capital laborers are on our own 习惯了巧言令色 We are used to smiling faces and clever talks 广为流传的故事也只是道听途说 The widely told legends are just rumors 侵袭着四维国度 Invading the 4D nations 等待新势力加入 Waiting for the new powers 哪来的毒瘤口嫌体正直 Mouths deny, bodies stand by , damn liars 玩同样的套路真的没意思 Boring shit to play the same tricks 都在问主人公叫什么名字 Everyone wants to know the protagonist’s name 愤世嫉俗要扒ta的身世 Digging up his origins with anger and envy “I don't wanna know the truth.” “I don't wanna know what you've been through.” 站在道德制高点上行使权力 Thinking they are the lord 敲击的键盘 手握着正义 Their justice is on the keyboard 一种神秘药剂 A mystery medicament 消除肆意恐惧 Eliminating wanton fears 欢愉永无止境 Our joys are endless 追逐随心所欲 Chasing what you want 强龙压地头蛇 We fear of noting or nobody 在无人地带 獠牙下隐藏罪恶 In no mans land, evils are under buckteeth 粉碎所有规则 Crushing down all the rules Wanna dive into the ocean 要拿下反杀资格 To get the counter killing right 纸醉金迷的上流社会 The upper class is luxury and extravagant 资本家妄想得到全世界 Capitalists imagine to control the world 非黑即白中饕餮盛宴 Black or white, the gluttonous feast 注定会扭转这局面 It’s gonna be changed by us Young blood new power 已经受到了太多的非议 Young blood new power,so much censures we have taken 无畏的先锋要先穿过这片荆棘 Fearless pioneers are gonna cross this thorns Don't be a player 当个双面人乐此不疲 Don't be a player,double-faced human, enjoying the farce 无法偷走我与众不同的经历 No one can steal my unique stories No way 流言蜚语都无所谓 I don’t give a shit for the rumors 他们根本不了解我是谁 They know noting about me 不对 不对 Not right, not right 提前准备 Prepare ahead 从来不留给对手任何机会 yeah No chance for the rival 为了谋利不惜使尽浑身解数 Every effort is done for money 镜头背后的空间只剩一群废物 Behind the shot, just a flock of trash 凤凰涅槃与天生反骨 Phoenix nirvana, bolshy bones are inborn 都是上天赐予我的天赋 They are the gifts from lord 无论路人甲们怎样碎碎念 ****ing the words of passerby 不管身边嘈杂声音指指点点 ****ing the comments by my side 登上了TOP 继续勇往直前 We are on the TOP, we are on the go 我孤身一人不需要表演 Acting is in vain for my only soul 全力奔赴新的试炼 Running hard to the new trials *间奏* 强龙压地头蛇 We fear of noting or nobody 在无人地带 獠牙下隐藏罪恶 In no mans land, evils are under buckteeth 粉碎所有规则 Crushing down all the rules This time we get together 要拿下反杀资格 To get the counter killing right 纸醉金迷的上流社会 The upper class is luxury and extravagant 资本家无法改变这世界 Capitalists can’t change this world 现在开始一场饕餮盛宴 A new gluttonous feast is coming 打破生存游戏食物链 Breaking the food chain of this hunger game 注定会扭转这局面 It’s gonna be changed by us 全力奔赴新的试炼 Running hard to the new trials