- J. Cole 4 Your Eyez Only 歌词
- J. Cole
- [Intro]For your eyes only, for your eyes only
只为你的瞩目 (for your eyes) 你的瞩目 [Verse 1]Hey HEY Niggas be dying on the daily 每天都处于挣扎之中 It seems my dreams faded for far too long, the consequences deadly 我的梦想好像与我渐行渐远 似乎永远没有出头之日了 Can't visualize myself as nothing but a criminal “犯罪分子”成了我的专属标签 Control the block, serving up rocks and stay subliminal 我就是个行事低调的贩毒大佬 Cause young niggas is hard headed, they letting off 道上的人都是死脑筋,他们喜怒无常 Full of adrenaline, ignorant to what death can cause 甚至蠢到一冲动连死字都不知道咋写 Ain't no coming back, family dressed in black 当他们有去无回时,家人只能缠上黑纱 Plus it's hot now, the cops outside it's hard to flip a pack 但况且现在外面风声紧,到处都是条子,想卖货实在是不容易 And my daughter gotta eat, her mama be stressing me 所以妻儿的生计成了我每天的压力 Like I ain't the one who put them Jays on her feet 我也想让他们穿的光鲜亮丽 Like I ain't out in the field like that 我也想让他们出人头地 I might be low for the moment but I will bounce back 可能我现在处于人生低谷 但很快我就会重整旗鼓 Despite the charges, back to the wall I fight regardless, Screaming "fuck the law", my life is lawless 老子会不顾一切地突破重重困境 喧然挑战法律 That's what you call it 这一切都将实现 我可不是在疯言疯语 Ain't got to be no psychic to see this is like the farthest thing from heaven 天堂与地狱看上去其实就一线之遥 This is hell and I don't mean that hyperbolic 我可不是在夸大其词 I try to find employment even if the swiper chargeless 我也想找个正经工作 哪怕就算是洗厕所也好 But these felonies be making life the hardest 但背负的数条重罪让我的人生实在艰难 Resisting the temptation to run up and swipe a wallet 不想再去做那些偷鸡摸狗 Or run up on your yard, snatch your daughter bike and pawn it 或者苟且偷生的事 That's why I write this sonnet 这就是我写下这诗的动因 If the pressure get too much for me to take and I break 如果生活太过压抑的话我会崩溃的 Play this tape for my daughter and let her know my life is on it 给我的女儿放这首歌 并告诉她 Let her know my life is on it 她是我的人生慰藉 (For your eyes) 我所做的一切都是为了她 Let her know my life is on 她是我的人生寄托 For your eyes only 只为你的瞩目 [Hook]For your eyes do you understand 你能否理解我的用心良苦 For your eyes do you understand me 能否理解我的用心良苦 For your eyes do you understand 希望你能理解这一切 For your eyes do you understand me 理解我作为父亲的尊严 For your eyes do you understand 希望你能理解 For your eyes do you understand me 理解人生的艰难 For your eyes do you understand 理解我的无奈 For your eyes do you understand me 理解我对你的爱 [Verse 2]You're probably grown now so this song'll hit you 你现在可能已经长大了所以才给你放这首歌 If you're hearing this unfortunately means that I'm no longer with you 如果你听到这首歌 那么很不幸说明 我已经离开人世了 In the physical, not even sure if I believe in God 要不是因为你的存在 But because you still alive 我都不知道我自己还有没有信仰了 He got me praying that the spiritual is real 上帝说祈祷可以让精神永驻 So I can be a part of you still, my pops was killed too 所以我依然与你同在, 我的老爸也被杀了 So I know how part of you feels 我很能理解你现在的心情 Maybe you hate me, maybe you miss me, maybe you spite me 你可能恨我、想我、厌恶我 Life goes in cycles, maybe you'll date a nigga just like me 但人生就是不断轮回 可能你会和一个与我一样性格的人交往 I hope not, I'm tired of dope spots 但我还是希望别这样 毒品所带来的污点 And fiends that smoke rocks, I've seen far too many niggas hopes rot 让我心力憔悴 我看过太多人因为毒品将希望藏在心里直至腐烂 I'm writing this because me and the devil had a dance 我写下这首歌是因为我曾与魔鬼共舞 Now I see death around the corner, apologizing in advance 死亡常伴我身 所以我得提前给你道个歉 Don't know if I ever had a chance 不知道还能不能有再活一次的机会 At a glance I'm a failure, addicted to pushing paraphernalia 一眼瞟去 我的今生充满了失败 虽然终日沉浸在暴力之中(paraphernalia可能是指随身携带的枪支) But Daddy had dreams once, my eyes had a gleam once 但你的老爸我也曾有过梦想 也曾有过闪光点 Innocence disappeared by the age of eight years 我八岁起就不再天真无邪 My Pops shot up, drug related 我老爹是个毒贩子 Mama addicted 老妈是个瘾君子 So Granny raised me in projects where thugs was hanging 是外婆把我从一个鱼龙混杂的地方抚养成人 Blood was staining the concrete 那地方血溅满地 Older niggas I loved talked like they was above maintaining a time sheet 我以前喜欢一起混的大哥总爱吹B说他是高级毒头子 That slow money, picked up the family business 我13岁就拾起了“家庭产业” By the age of thirteen, six years later was handed sentence 6年后就被判了刑 Round the same time is when you came in this world 你也在同一时间来到人世 Me and your mama thinking, what the fuck we naming this girl? 我和你妈在想:“咱们给她起啥名好呢?” I told her Nina, the prettiest name that I could think of 我说:叫Nina吧,这是我能想到的最美的名字 For the prettiest thing my eyes had ever seen 把这名字送给我眼前这个小仙女 I was nineteen, took me two felonies to see the trap, this crooked ass system set for me 当时19岁的我身陷囹圄才看清这个垃圾社会 And now I fear it's too late for me to ever be the one that set examples that was never set for me 令我恐惧的是 当我认清这个社会时已经太晚了 I'm living fast, but not fast enough cause karma keeps on catching up to me 我的人生道路是条错误的道路 我在这条路上拼命地跑 却还是逃不出命运的魔掌 And if my past becomes the death of me, I hope you understand 如果这就是我的死因 我希望你能理解 [Hook]For your eyes do you understand 希望你能理解这一切 For your eyes do you understand me 理解我作为父亲的尊严 For your eyes do you understand 希望你能理解 For your eyes do you understand me 理解人生的艰难 For your eyes do you understand 理解我的种种无奈 For your eyes do you understand me 理解我的良苦用心 For your eyes do you understand 你能理解我吗? For your eyes do you understand me 能理解我对你的爱吗? [Verse 3]It's several ways I could've went out, too many to count 我曾有很多脱身的办法 但是阻碍太多 Was it the trigger happy crackers that the badges give clout 那些狗条子手里有枪就咄咄逼人 Was it the young niggas, blasting frustrated cause the cash running out 那些傻小子手里一没钱 就像泄了气的皮球 Niggas don't know how to act in a drought 他们一没钱就不知所措 See baby girl I realized, my definition of a real nigga was skewed 所以宝贝, 我明白了 我以前对男子汉的理解压根儿就是错的 My views misshaped by new mixtapes 我的歌里观念被诸多因素所干扰 That confirmed the shit I learned in the streets was true 在社会上学的那些狗屁道理到都是真的 That real niggas don't speak when they beef with you 那些混球吵架从不跟你瞎BB They just pull up on your street, let the heat at you 他们一言不合就掏枪指着你 And if a real nigga hungry he gon' eat your food 他们饿了时就抢你的东西 I was a fool, spent all my time ducking school, ducking cops 我他妈真是个蠢货 花那么多时间逃课、躲条子 Ducking rules, hugging blocks that don't love you 逃避一切约束就为了那些所谓的“道” I pray you find a nigga with goals and point of views 我希望你能找个有远见的伴侣 Much broader than the corner, if not it's gon' corner you 人一定要目光长远 否则你的人生将被局限 Into a box, where your son don't even know his pops 局限在那个连生孩子都找不着爹困境里 And the cyclical nature of doing time continues 周而复始 My worst fear is one day that you come home from school 我最大的恐惧就是有一天你从学校放学回家 and see your father face while hearing 'bout tragedy on news 在电视上看到你爸不幸遇难的消息 I got the strangest feeling your Daddy gonna lose his life soon 我觉得我是命不久矣了 And sadly if you're listening now it must mean it's true 要是你听到这首歌的话意味着我的恐惧成了现实 But maybe there's a chance that it's not 如果我有一丝生机的话 And this album remains locked in a hard drive like valuable jewels 这张专辑绝对不会发布 我会把它像藏珠宝一样藏起来 And I can teach you this in person like I'm teaching you to tie your own shoes 并且亲自告诉你这些人生道理 就像我教你系鞋带那样 I love you and I hope to God I don't lose you 我永远爱你 希望上帝保佑你 For your eyes only 一切的爱都予以你 [Hook]For your eyes 只为了你 For your eyes only 希望你 For your eyes 永远目光如炬 For your eyes only 我所做的一切只为了你 For your eyes do you understand 你能理解吗? [Verse 4]One day your daddy called me, told me he had a funny feeling 一天你爸告诉我,他有个奇怪的感觉 What he'd been dealing with lately, he wasn't telling 也不跟我说最近在忙啥 I tried to pick his brains, still he wasn't revealing 我百般追问他都不肯说 But I could feel the sense of panic in his voice and it was chilling 但我能感觉到他的焦虑 他故作镇定的说: He said "Jermaine, I knew you since we was children I never asked for nothing Jermaine咱俩穿开裆裤时就认识了 日子再难我都没求过你 When times was hard I never had discussions with you begging you to help me 我从来都没求你帮过忙 I dealt with the repercussions of my actions 不过现在我要遭报应了 I know you tried to steer me 'way from that shit 我知道你一直想帮我脱身 But that shit was in my blood, you know my life 但这一切已经深入我的骨髓了 你知道我的生活方式 I know your Momma nigga, send my love 带我向你的老妈问好 In case I never get a chance to speak again 以防我再也见不到她 I won't forget the weekends spent sleeping at your crib 我永远不会忘记住你家的那段时光 That's the way I wished my family lived 那曾是我所期盼的家庭生活 But my granny crib was in the 'jects 但我外婆家在贫民区 I had to interject like, "Nigga what you talking 'bout? Fuck is you getting at?" 我不得不立刻打断他:“傻逼,你他妈瞎说什么胡话呢?” He said "Listen, I got no time to dive into descriptions 他说:听好了,我没时间跟你娓娓道来了 But I've been having premonitions, just call it visions from the other side 但我一直以来就有种预感 姑且是第六感吧 I got a feeling I won't see tomorrow, like the time I'm living on is borrowed 我感觉随时都可能要去见阎王爷了 我的命就是向阎王爷借的 With that said the only thing I'm proud to say I was a father 除了作为一名父亲 我没什么别的可自豪 Write my story down and if I pass go play it for my daughter when she ready 如果我死了你一定要把我的故事写成歌 放给我的女儿听 And so I'm leaving you this record for your eyes only, don't you ever scratch or disrespect it 这就是我为你创作这张专辑的原因 你可千万别胆敢不尊重我的艺术结晶 This perspective is a real one, another lost Ville son 这一切观点都是真实源自于一位迷路的浪子 I dedicate these words to you and all the other children 我将这些话献给你和天下所有的孩子 Affected by the mass incarceration in this nation 希望能感染到这个 That sent your pops to prison when he needed education 当你老爸该读书时却把他送到监狱里的国家 Sometimes I think this segregation would've done us better 有时我想种族隔离政策是不是更适合我们 Although I know that means I would never be brought into this world 尽管那样的话我就永远不会出现在这个世上 'cuz my daddy was so thrilled when he found him a white girl 那样的话我老爸就得坐立难安了 to take back to Jonesborough with'lil Zach and Cole World barely one years old, 因为他在约翰内斯堡娶了个白人女孩(约堡曾有长时间的种族隔离政策) 还生了俩小孩 now it's thirty years later making sure the story's told 现在我三十岁了,我来向你讲述这一切 Girl your daddy was a real nigga, not 'cos he was cold 孩子,你老爸是真正的男子汉 并不是因为他冷酷无情 Not because he was the first to get some pussy twelve years old 并不是因为他12岁就初尝人事 Not because he used to come through in the Caddy on some vogues 并不是因为他曾经开着凯迪拉克招摇撞市 Not because he went from bagging up them grams to serving O's 更不是因为他是个大毒枭 Nah your daddy was a real nigga, not 'cos he was hard 不是因为这一切 也不是因为他的强硬 Not because he lived a life of crime and sat behind some bars 也不是因为他处于法网之外 Not because he screamed fuck the law, although that was true 也不是因为他目空一切 尽管这些都是真的 Your daddy was a real nigga 'cuz he loved you" 你老爸之所以是个真正的男子汉是因为他深爱着你 For your eyes only