- The Drums Loner 歌词
- The Drums
- Hey you with that perfect face
看着你那张无暇的脸庞 I'm not sure if it’s a game I should play 我有点不太确定,这是个该不该玩的游戏 Do you have something good to say 可你就没有什么对我说的吗 'Cause I got 300 elephants ****ting on my grave 我已如尘土下的坟墓负重累累 What's fun when there’s nothing to do? 好吧,什么事都没有做是不是有点无聊呢 You said you could cum and I said I could too 你打趣:“我想我可以拿出我的那杆枪神游四海了”。我说:“我也行惹” I wish there was more between me and you 可你就不知道我还想和你翻云覆雨到不知天地为何物吗? I want love, I want love, I want love 我想要爱!想要爱! And I don't want to be alone 我不想变的就此孤独 And I am scared of all the people in the world 因为,我惧怕这世界的每个人 And I have never had a home 没有一个港湾可以让我驻足停靠 I am too afraid so I keep moving through the world 我太惧怕这一切,所以我一直在漂流四海 I keep moving through the world 一直在这世界里流浪
改变我吧!时间会改变我的 Change me, time will change me 相信我,现在我又到了困难的境地 Well trust me, baby, the **** comes back 是我自己毁了我自己,还是生活暂时有了挫折 Self-sabotage or is my life on pause? 倘若是我制造了这些错误?那种感觉又回到了我的身边 Am I inventing flaws? The shit comes back 我不想孤独啊 And I don't want to be alone 我惧怕这世界上的每一个人 And I am scared of all the people in the world 我一直都在颠沛流离 And I have never had a home 我太害怕这一切了,所以我一直在漂泊四海 I am too afraid so I keep moving through the world 一直在这世界里流浪 I keep moving through the world 我想找到一个地方 I would like to find a place (S- E- N- E- C- A) 一个远离喧嚣的地方 Where maybe I could find some peace (S- E- N- E- C- A) 可即使我改名换姓 Even if I change my name (S- E- N- E- C- A) 变成另一个人,却也还是进行着相同的游戏 Different player, same old game (S- E- N- E- C- A) 我不想孤独啊 And I don't want to be alone 我惧怕这世界每一个人 And I am scared of all the people in the world 从来没有一个港湾依我停靠 And I have never had a home 我太害怕这一切,所以我一直在这个世界流浪 I am too afraid so I keep moving through the world 一直在这世界里流浪 I keep moving through the world