- Graffiti (feat. Alumx & Namii) 歌词 Vylet Pony
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- Vylet Pony Graffiti (feat. Alumx & Namii) 歌词
- Vylet Pony
- 编曲 : Vylet Pony
现在的我是多么困惑 (Vylet)Oh I'm so far away so far away from what I know 塔楼阴影将我笼罩 The towers cast shadows on myself 每只小马 And every, every pony 它们只想告诉我 Oh they just have to tell me 我早已为这涂鸦深深着迷 My heart's been spray painted here since the start 我无法逃离 I can't escape 这墙上的文字 all the words on the wall 这涂鸦抓住了我的心 Graffiti controls me 这文字在我心里挥之不去 I can't get these words out of my head head 夕阳渐沉,远处沙岸浪花翻腾 —(Twilight)The sun sets overhead waves crash against the sand afar 旗帜飞扬,灯火熠熠 There's flags waving lights twinkling through 定局已成,如何回应? The stage is set where could they go from now? 只有时间来道出旧日童话 Only time will tell now fairytales of yesteryear 而每只小马 And every, everypony 他们只想讲述自己的故事 They just wanna tell their stories 但书页破损,难以得知 But the pages of the book are torn void of amnesty 谁也听不到他们的故事, No one will hear their tales 我们无法转述他们的语言 Their words, our voices vitiate 一切都已化为这墙上的涂鸦 All meaning fades into the painting on the wall 白昼消退,夜幕降临 —(Rayna)The daylight turns to evening dark 人群替代城市的单调 The humdrum of the city turns to crowds 广告牌,鸣笛,经过船舶的声音 Billboards, sirens, the sound of passing ships 拍打码头的波浪重获新生 The waves against the docks breathe life anew 墙上的涂鸦唤起往昔记忆 The spray paint on the walls reminds of memories before 勾勒出熟悉的脸庞 Outlines of familiar faces too 喷剂和颜料组成的这些涂鸦 Printed against the murals of aerosol and pigments 是市民们的记忆和童话的核心 Memoirs of the city folk the heart of fairytail 现在我已更加深入自己 —(Vylet)Oh I’m so far away so far away from who I thought I was 塔楼阴影向远处延伸 The shadow of the towers loom ahead 我们很快会有办法找到答案 Soon we’ll find a way to find a path to find an answer 墙上涂鸦将把他们的生活呈现 But till then the spray paint on the walls tells of whence they lived 我们无法逃离 —(All)We can't escape 这些墙上的文字 All the words on the wall 这涂鸦抓住了我们的心 Graffiti controls us 这文字在我们心里挥之不去 We can't get these words out of our head head