- They Don't Give A Fuck About Us 歌词 2Pac Tha Outlawz
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- Tha Outlawz They Don't Give A Fuck About Us 歌词
- 2Pac Tha Outlawz
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(Tupac) 你们不能总是活在梦里 Y'all ain't never just tripped and pictured 看看周围发生了什么 And just looked at the whole situation 因为一旦你看到了 Cause once u look at it 你就会知道 You know (说真的) (Really do) 他们他妈的根本不管我们死活 They don't give a fuck about us' 他们他妈的根本不管我们死活 They don't give a fuck about us' 他们他妈的根本不管我们死活 They don't give a fuck about us' 我要选择驰骋江湖 If I choose to ride 一辈子都踏在黑道上 Thuggin' till the day I die 根本就没人会鸟我们 Nobody give a fuck about us 可当我混出了名堂 But when I start to rise 成了孩子们眼中的英雄 A hero in they children's eyes 现在他们倒会回来跪舔了 Now they give a fuck about us 有人说黑人劣人一等因为咱们就爱招摇撞骗 Some say niggaz is hard headed cause we love to trick 在游戏里耍赖,所以我们成了该死的宝图 Equipped with game so we bang wit this thuggish shit 我看到你恨不得躲起来,不想招到谁的注意 I see you trying to hide, Hoping that nobody don't notice 你可要记得你还是那些无望之人的一份子 You must always remember you still a member of the hopeless 看你我不都是一个肤色,该跟我一样发声 See ya black like me, So you snap like me 当这些恶魔使诈,千方百计抑制咱们年轻黑人 When these devils try to plot, Trap our young black seeds 瞧吧,这些条子追着黑人时脸都扭曲起来了 Look it, Cops are just as crooked as the niggas they chasin' 这种追杀是不是从父亲那辈就开始的 Lookin' for role models, Our father figures is bases 有些人就恨不得我快点被光明会干掉最好 Some say they expect Illuminate take my body to sleep 黑人们在聚会上手持枪械,跟老子一样疯狂 Niggas at the party with they shotties, Just as rowdy as me 在我撒腿走人之前,还得救救我兄弟们的困境 Before I flee computer chips, I gotta deal wit brothas flippin 老子看不到白鬼们留过一滴血,只有黑人血流不止 I don't see no devils bleedin', Only black blood drippin' 说我们能改变,不好意思你说啥? We can change, Whatcha now say? 我就眼睁睁看着黑人拼命工作没有工资(呵呵) I'm watchin niggaz work their lives out without pay (huh) 无论要花费多少代价都想改变这种境况 Whatever it takes to switch places wit the bustas on top 我犀利的字句只为阻止这傻逼的世界 I'm bustin' shots make the world stop 他们他妈的根本不管我们死活 They don't give a fuck about us' 我要选择驰骋江湖 And if I choose to ride 一辈子都踏在黑道上 Thuggin' till the day I die 因为他们他妈的根本不管我们死活 Cause they don't give a fuck about us 可当我混出了名堂 But when I start to rise 成了孩子们眼中的英雄 A hero in they children's eyes 现在他们倒会回来跪舔了 Now they give a fuck about us 我要选择驰骋江湖 And if I choose to ride 一辈子都踏在黑道上 Thuggin' till the day I die 根本就没人会鸟我们 Nobody gives a fuck about us 可当我混出了名堂 But when I start to rise 成了孩子们眼中的英雄 A hero in they children's eyes 现在他们倒会回来跪舔了 Now they give a fuck about us (EDI) 早晨过了之后欢笑声就已听不到 It's the morning after and now all the laughter is gone 又到了反思的时候 因为他们将你否决 Time to reflect on what you did cause they saying you wrong 我很清楚你自有原因,伙计,我从不怀疑你 I'm sure you had your reasons dawg, I don't doubt you 看看这个简单的道理就是他们他妈的根本不管你的死活 See the simple fact of the matter is they don't give a fuck about you 管不着你家里是不是有五口人要养活(呵) Or them five mouths you forced to feed (uh-huh) 还不包括你在内,你要点钱维持生计 他们说你贪心 No including yourself, All you want is what they perceiving as greed 所以当你全副武装翻身对抗他们的时候 So as you loaded up that mack and continue to buck 'em 却成了报纸上的暴徒,想着他们他妈根本就不管我们死活 I was on paper, Thinking they don't give a fuck about us' (Tupac) 老子算是看得一清二楚 I'm seeing it clearer 看着镜子里仇视眼光的自己 Hating the picture in the mirror 他们称咱们劣种 They claim we inferior 那这些傻吊白鬼为什么会害怕你? So why the fuck these devils fear ya? 我看着自己的国家死去,惨遭屠杀 I'm watching my nation die, genocide the cause 血洗民族,天下就成了你们的 Expect a blood bath, The aftermath is y'alls 上张专辑就说过了,濒临绝望的我们需要帮助 I told ya last album, we need help cause we dying 给我们多一次机会,现在就帮帮我们 Give us a chance, help us advance cause we trying 可你们完全无视,看着愤慨诧异的我们 Ignore my whole plea, watching us in disgust 当我枪口指着他们头上就开始求饶 And then they beg when my guns bust 他们他妈的就不管我们的死活 They don't give a fuck about us 我要选择驰骋江湖 And if I choose to ride 一辈子都踏在黑道上 Thuggin' till the day I die 根本就没人会鸟我们 Nobody gives a fuck about us 可当我混出了名堂 But when I start to rise 成了孩子们眼中的英雄 A hero in they children's eyes 现在他们倒会回来跪舔了 Now they give a fuck about us 我要选择驰骋江湖 And if I choose to ride 一辈子都踏在黑道上 Thuggin' till the day I die 根本就没人会鸟我们 Nobody gives a fuck about us 可当我混出了名堂 But when I start to rise 成了孩子们眼中的英雄 A hero in they children's eyes 现在他们倒会回来跪舔了 Now they give a fuck about us (Kastro) 现在兄弟们对我趋之若鹜 Now all my homies got love for me 为我挡颗子弹不在话下 Down to catch a slug for me 发誓会为我赴汤蹈火 Guaranteed to bleed deeply 还敢说拥护,操 Now that's love, Shit 根本就没人会在意 Nobody else could give a fuck 要是我中了一枪被拖走 If I'm tore down, from the floor down 尸体下葬到墓地 Six-feet deep in the cut 到底他妈的出了什么问题 What the fuck done went wrong 我会被哀悼多长时间? How long will I be mourned? 要是我辞世,放着一样的歌 When I'm gone, same song 一直保护我的兄弟们 Ain't gave a fuck all along 我能凭什么去责怪他们 And who am I to blame 'em? 枪林弹雨中只有孤注一掷 Just do or die through the rainin' 自从他们什么都不管 Since they don't give a fuck 更别说在乎我的感受 I don't' Feel what I'm saying? (Kadafi) 如今的黑人枪战一死就是两群帮派的人 Now thug niggaz die but multiply in doubles 尸体包进塑料袋,要不是时境太差还会装进棺材里 Wrapped in plastic, Or closed casket for our troubles 现在的我们像沸水上面的泡泡不断涌出 Pressed in times, We busted like bubbles 这个国家的条子一直遣送过来把我们赶走 With the police, This nation's peace sent here to run you 看看这世界到底扭曲成什么样子了 Now look at what this crooked world has come to 完美的世界又与我何干,生活只有痛苦 I grew up on the other side of perfect, a life of hurtin' 每一处都有警笛声,随时都可能死去 Man I still hustle, so I'm dyin certain 你逍遥快活的时候我挨饿受苦 So I spent your time in poor and working 没有什么原因,所以我就这样忍了多少年 I see no reason, So I stay ballin' season to season 为什么你还固执地觉得他们他妈的会在乎? Why you stuck thinking that they give a fuck? (Napolean) 你告诉我世界和平,但是黑人遭你讨厌 You tell me my world is in peace, but nigga your lying 因为我一半的兄弟,都已死去 Cause half of my niggas, long gone, 为了挣扎却被埋在土壤下 buried in the dirt just for trying 有时觉得我住的街区就要被灭掉,真是糟透了 Sometimes I think my block is dying, And that it's awful 在另一天醒来,什么都没有变还是这鸟样 To wake up to another day, shit ain't change that all fool 我在汗水中,梦境中,咳嗽中醒来 I wake up sweatin, dreamin, coughin' 看见自己思绪凌乱不清 Seein' me upside down backwards head twisted 当我躺进了棺材里 While I'm layin in the coffin 这些该死的场景经常出现在眼前,那就告诉我 The shit comes around so often, So tell me something 在我将这歌公布于世,畅销不断的时候 Before I take it out on the world, and get to dumpin' 哥们,我一直都在不懈地努力 Nigga I been so through pain go through the struggle 做着你在我这个年龄该努力的事情 Doin the same thing you did at my age and that's hustlin 面临即将破碎的边缘 On the edge of straight bustin' 自从你他妈的什么都不理,我就在拼死平活 Well since you don't give a fuck, I be frontin 我还装得若无其事喝着自己的轩尼斯 And I'ma drink my Hennessey like it ain't nothin (Tupac) 现在我要是选择驰骋江湖,一辈子踏在黑道上 Now if I choose to ride, thuggin' till the day I die 他们他妈的根本不管我们死活 They don't give a fuck about us 当我将这些写进歌词里,唱给他们孩子听 While I'm kickin rhymes, getting to their children's minds 现在他们他妈的知道注意了 Now they give a fuck about us 他们要看我们死去,每次起身都被他们踢下低谷 They wanna see us die, they kick us every time we try 他们他妈的根本不管我们死活 They don't give a fuck about us 我和兄弟们喝得不省人事,任这个世界怎么转 So while I'm getting high, I'm watching as the world goes by 因为他们他妈的根本不管我们死活 Cause they don't give a fuck about us 现在我要是选择驰骋江湖,一辈子踏在黑道上 Now if I choose to ride, thuggin' till the day I die 他们他妈的根本不管我们死活 They don't give a fuck about us 当我将这些写进歌词里,唱给他们孩子听 While I'm kickin rhymes, getting to their children's minds 现在他们他妈的知道注意了 Now they give a fuck about us 他们要看我们死去,每次起身都被他们踢下低谷 They wanna see us die, they kick us every time we try 他们他妈的根本不管我们死活 They don't give a fuck about us 我和兄弟们喝得不省人事,任这个世界怎么转 So while I'm getting high, I'm watching as the world goes by 因为他们他妈的根本不管我们死活 Cause they don't give a fuck about us'