- 菅原纱由理(THE SxPLAY) Make Me Alive 歌词
- 菅原纱由理(THE SxPLAY)
作曲:THE SxPLAY / YUKI JOLLY ROGER 你确定你是对的吗?也许不是吧? Are you sure you're right? maybe not? 谁能维护正义的界限? Who can fix the line of justice? 不要跟从任何人 Don't follow anyone. 因为,你就是那面旗帜 Cause, you are the flag, 你是未来的标志 you're the sign of the future. 当我需要握住谁的手时 When I was needing someone's hands to hold. 其实它从一开始就已经存在于我的心中 It was already inside of me from the start. 无论我走到哪里,任何事物都不能将我打败 Nothing can take me down, wherever I go. 因为,那是从我内心深处读出的声音 Cause, I'm just reading voices inside of my heart. 那些闪耀的光芒让我感到活着,无数次点亮了我的生活 It just makes me alive with the lights so many times to live my life. 无需谎言 There are no lies, 无需害怕 there's no need to fear, 我已经翱翔在那天空 I'm already into the sky. 所以请给我一条航线 So give me the line. 我会尽我所能 As much as I can, 打破它,活出自我 I'll break it through to live my life. 我要它闪耀发光 I can make it shine. 尝试着让它飞升 Try to make it rise. 我已经翱翔在那天空 I'm already into the sky. 因为,所有的这一切都让我感受到生命的活力 Cause, All these things make me alive. 这些闪耀的光芒,让它飞升,活出自我 With the lights, make it rise, to live my life. 无需谎言 There are no lies, 无需害怕 there's no need to fear, 我已经翱翔在那天空 I'm already into the sky. 因为,所有的这一切都让我感受到生命的活力 Cause, All these things make me alive. 所以完全不需要去担心 So there's no need to be upset, 未来已经注定 the future is already set. 如果他们想要像游戏一般来诱捕你入陷阱 If they're trapping you like a game, 那么请你像饥饿游戏里的英雄一样高举你的手 Raise your hands like hunger game. 保持你的掌声,让咔哒咔哒的声音延续 Keep your clap, clickety-clack. 使劲跺脚,跺出很大的声音 Stomp your feet and make it crack. 尽管过程非常痛苦困难 Even if it's just too hard, 但是这些声音会一直在你心中陪伴着你 the voice's always in your heart. 那些闪耀的光芒让我感到活着,无数次点亮了我的生活 It just makes me alive with the lights so many times to live my life. 无需谎言 There are no lies, 无需害怕 there's no need to fear, 我已经翱翔在那天空 I'm already into the sky. 所以请给我一条航线 So give me the line. 我会尽我所能 As much as I can, 打破它,活出自我 I'll break it through to live my life. 我要它闪耀发光 I can make it shine. 尝试着让它飞升 Try to make it rise. 我已经翱翔在那天空 I'm already into the sky. 因为,所有的这一切都让我感受到生命的活力 Cause, All these things make me alive. 这些闪耀的光芒,让它飞升,活出自我 With the lights,make it rise,to live my life. 无需谎言 There are no lies, 无需害怕 there's no need to fear, 我已经翱翔在那天空 I'm already into the sky. 因为,所有的这一切都让我感受到生命的活力 Cause, All these things make me alive.