- Titus Closer 歌词
- Titus
- I wanna change your mind
我想改变你的想法 To bring your heart close to me 让你的心与我靠近 I wanna change your mind 我想让你回心转意 To bring your heart closer 将你的心拉得更近 To bring your heart closer 让你的心靠近一点 To bring your heart closer 让你的心亲密一些
让你的心靠近于我 To bring your heart close to me 我想改变你的想法 I wanna change your mind 让你的心与我靠近 To bring your heart close to me 我想让你回心转意 I wanna change your mind (mind) 将你的心拉得更近 To bring your heart closer 捡拾起那些我遗落 Picking up the pieces 在厅堂的零落碎片 That I lost in the lobby 我将你抵在墙壁上 I put you against the wall 你让我们肌肤相亲 You had us body to body 我实在是按捺不住 I can't help 你让我体会的感觉 The way you make me feel 这是多么难复制啊 It's so hard to copy 让我们找寻一片共栖之地 Let's find common ground 就在那失物招领处等我吧 Meet me in the lost and found 黑暗的日子里日夜流转着 Dark days turning into dark nights 我就出入于灯火酒绿之所 I hit the strip and 一掷千金一次次挥霍一空 Spend it all 我正经历这样艰难的时刻 I'm having hard times 我回想追忆着,透过那记忆尘封的档案 I'm reminiscing, had me looking through the archives 我看到了你的照片,如明星般耀眼夺目 I've seen a picture of you looking like the star shines 而你确实如此啊 And you're 明亮,闪耀,那样光芒四射 Bright, bright, bright, bright, bright, bright 就像环绕在决斗之夜拳台的闪亮灯光 Like the lights on a fight night, night 爱情就像这样将我的心击中 Love hit me like i'm Mike, Mike, Mike 你知道我会让一切回到正轨妥善安排 You know 'imma gett it right, right, right 所以就呆在我的身边吧 So stay with me 与我一起私奔逃向远方 Run away with me 需要你就像一个瘾君子对毒药的需求 Need you like a dope fiend need dope 渴望你就像一个瘾君子对毒药的需求 Need you like a coke fiend need coke 尽管你的心如冰封,如同滑雪而下的雪坡 Even though your heart cold, ski slope 我还是真心希望这首歌拉近了你我的距离 I really hope this song is bringing me close 我想寻求改变
让我们的心更加靠近 I wanna change To bring your heart closer