- 葡萄不愤怒 匹诺曹 歌词
- 葡萄不愤怒
- 作词:李学臻
作曲:李学臻 编曲:郑仕伟
背叛了自己,违背了蓝色仙女的旨意 Betrayed myself, violating the will of the Blue Fairy 温暖微笑着的世界,很高兴能够见到你 Nice to see you, in this warm and smiling world 我看到了他们真诚的脸,充满希望的一切 I saw their sincere faces, everything full of hope 快来欣赏他们精彩的表演 Come and enjoy their brilliant show
他们的表演,出色的表演 Their show, the outstanding show 他们刻在星星上面 Being engraved on the stars 不可一世美丽的永远 unparalleled beauty of all time 他们的明天,闪亮的明天 Their future, the shining future 他们的明天总让人羡慕期待,疯狂的向往 Everyone is looking forward to envy, crazy yearning 我用尽全力寻找自己存在的意义 I try my best to find the meaning of my existence 终其一生不过只是一个悲剧 Grabbing nothing but tragedy
怀疑或者努力掩饰,面具还有你的表情 suspicion or effort to conceal, the mask and your expression 切下我的鼻子,鲜血或许能让我们清醒 Cut my nose, the blood might awaken us 不如就让我们纯粹 Better to live on 为了这一颗所谓赤子,又或者虚荣的心 for a life of innocence or vainglory, 骄傲的活下去 still with pride
那就去表演 用力的表演 Continue to show my best 去刻下遥不可及,五彩斑斓璀璨的永远 To engrave the distant, colorful, and luster eternity
我的明天 ,所谓的明天 Why is my future, the so-called future 我的明天为何总充满,无辜脆弱的谎言 Filled with innocent, fragile lies 我用尽全力寻找自己存在的意义 I try my best to find the meaning of my existence 终其一生不过只是一个悲剧 Grabbing nothing but tragedy