- Matt Cab にじいろ 歌词
- Matt Cab
- Are you ready life's just starting
生活才刚开始,你准备好了吗 Come with me let's write your story 携手共进谱写属于你的故事 Yeah look ahead we're gonna have ourselves a journey 向前看,我们即将开启一段新的旅程 Rainbow colored droplets falling right above our eyes 七彩斑斓的水滴在我们眼前滴落 Feel the beating of the sky 感受天空精灵般的灵动 I can hear the sound of sadness in your smile 我能读懂你嫣然一笑中却夹杂着伤感 We can turn the darkness into light 我们可以拨开阴霾与迷雾,重见天日 Feel you next to me 感受到你在我身旁 Nowhere else I'd rather be 对你恋恋不舍,不舍离去 Nothing matters when you're with me 只要我们在一起,我视一切如草芥 Take my hand just keep on walking 牵着我的手,风雨同舟 Catch each other when we're fallin 一蹶不振时我们可以相濡以沫 No I won't let you go you're never gonna be alone 不愿连理分枝,使你孑然一身 Day by day we'll keep on going 日复一日,我们再接再厉 Long as I got you 惟得佳人欢心 This road will continue on 我欲乘风破浪 Feel the wind 感受清风拂面 Something special's in the air I know 我嗅到空气中弥漫着千言万语 Ray of light 光芒万丈 Like a seed this dream is gonna grow 这个梦想渺小到犹如一粒种子,却会长成参天大树 Even if we lose some things along the way 即使在旅途中有些东西已荡然无存 I'm still thankful for each and everyday 但对于形形色色的人和每天的挫折我仍然结草衔环 Take a look around just open up your eyes 睁开你那双明眸,环顾四周 Count all of the blessings of life 细数生命中所有的小确幸 Don't you worry keep on smiling 别怕,就如从前那般巧笑倩兮 Feel the warmth the sun is shining now 在太阳的照耀下,如沐春风 You and me can make it if we stay together 心向往之,梦必所及 Day by day we'll keep on going 周而复始,我们还是一如既往地为之前行 Long as I got you 只要你在我身边 This road will continue on 这段路依然未完待续 La la la la... 啦啦啦啦 Are you ready life's just starting 你准备好迎接这段美好的生活了吗 Come with me let's write your story 彼此携手,谱写你的故事篇章 Yeah look ahead we're gonna have ourselves a journey 眺望前方,我们即将开启一段独属二人的旅程 Rainbow colored droplets falling right above our eyes 七彩斑斓的水滴在我们眼前滴落 Feel the beating of the sky 感受天空精灵般的灵动