- The Four Lads Istanbul 歌词
- The Four Lads
- Istanbul was Constantinople
伊斯坦布尔曾是君士坦丁堡 Now it's Istanbul not Constaninople 可她现在成了伊斯坦布尔而非君士坦丁堡 Been a long time gone 很久很久以前 Old Contantinople's still has Turkish delight 当老君士坦丁堡还有土耳其软糖的时候 On a moonlight night 在一个月明如水的晚上 Every gal in Constantinople 君士坦丁堡的姑娘们 Is a Miss-stanbuil, not Constantinople 转眼成了土耳其的女孩子 So if you've date in Constantinople 所以你要是约了美人在君堡相见 She'll be waiting in Istanbul 她会在伊斯坦布尔等你到来 Even old New York was once New Amsterdam 就算是老纽约曾经也叫“新阿姆斯特丹”啊 Why they changed it , I can't say 为什么要改名字呢,这我也说不准 (People just liked it better that way) (估计大伙就喜欢这么叫吧) Take me back to Constantinople 把我带回君士坦丁堡的时代吧 No, you can't go back to Constantinople 不,你再也可回不去君堡了 Now it's lstanbul , not Constantinople 现在那里叫伊斯坦布尔,可不是君士坦丁堡 Why did Constantinople get the works? 为什么君堡让人搞成了这样 That's nobody's business but the Turk' 除了土耳其人谁还会干这种事 Istanbul ! 伊斯坦布尔! Istanbul ! 伊斯坦布尔! Even old New York was once New Amsterdam 就算是纽约曾经也叫“新阿姆斯特丹”啊 Why they changed it , I can't say 为什么要改名字呢,这我也说不准 (People just liked it better that way) (估计大伙就喜欢这么叫吧) Take me back to Constantinople 把我带回君士坦丁堡的时代吧 No, you can't go back to Constantinople 不,你再也可回不去君堡了 Now it's lstanbul , not Constantinople 现在那里叫伊斯坦布尔,可不是君士坦丁堡 Why did Constantinople get the works? 为什么君堡让人搞成了这样 That's nobody's business but the Turk' 除了土耳其人谁还会干这种事 Istanbul ! 伊斯坦布尔!