- Fall Out Boy Champion (Remix) 歌词
- Fall Out Boy
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Yo 我该做个明星吗 Yo should I be a star? baby 我想我已经是了 Baby I think I already are 不是什么圣人 也没有那么伟大 Not a saint not that great 感觉我自出生起就是一辆跑车 Feel like I was born a car 1994年 这世界发动了我的引擎 In '94 the world started me 继那之后 我便一路狂飙 And I've been driving 有时人的一生坎坎坷坷 Sometimes a man just can't open his car and 做不了名垂青史 做芸芸众生又何妨 Ain't gotta be somebody be anybody 情愿碌碌无闻也不愿苟延残喘 Rather be anybody than live in a dead body 要是你看不见我 那就找架直升机 If you can't see me then find a helicopter 在夜晚的天空中 我如星星般闪耀 In the night sky shine like a star 此时此刻我挟着狂怒归来 And I'm back with a madness 我为王者 I'm a champion of the people 为那些不信英雄的人们而降生 Who don't believe in champions 我一无所有只剩下心中梦想 I got nothing but dreams inside 一无所有却还有梦 I got nothing but dreams 我就是年轻气盛依然坚持 I'm just young enough to still believe 依然相信 Still believe 却又少不经事不明了 But young enough not to know 有什么能够相信 What to believe in 懵懵懂懂不知道 Young enough not to know 有什么值得相信yeah What to believe in 如果我能撑过来 If I can live through this 如果我能撑下来 If I can live through this 如果我能历劫归来 If I can live through this 我便无所畏惧 I can do anything 如果我能挺过去 If I can live through this 如果我能挺下去 If I can live through this 如果我能欲火重生 If I can live through this 我就所向披靡 I can do anything 人中翘楚 Champion champion 绝世无双 Champion champion 每天都怒火中烧 在心中压抑忍耐 I got rage every day on the inside 我唯一能做的就是坐在原地等待 The only thing I do is sit around and kill time 我努力地想要熄灭那狂暴的信号 I'm trying to blow out the pilot light 我用尽全力去熄灭那火光 I'm trying to blow out the light 我就是年轻气盛所以依然坚持 依然相信 I'm just young enough to still believe still believe 却又少不经事不明了有什么能够相信 But young enough not to know what to believe in 懵懵懂懂不知道有什么值得相信 Young enough not to know what to believe 如果我能撑过来 If I can live through this 如果我能撑下来 If I can live through this 如果我能历劫归来 If I can live through this 我便无所畏惧 I can do anything 如果我能挺过去 If I can live through this 如果我能挺下去 If I can live through this 如果我能浴火重生 If I can live through this 我就所向披靡 I can do anything 你体会过 Have you ever felt 当无名小卒的艰辛吗 How hard it is to be an anybody 就算是夹缝里生存 To be living to be breathing 也不做一具行尸走肉 Not choosing a dead body 铭记智者和我说过 Remember the man told me 此生是一场派对 That this life is a party Yeah光辉名利 转瞬即逝 Yeah all the glory's so short 你应该放下手中玩弄着的垃圾 You should put away the garbages 正常不再是正常 平凡已经变奢侈 Normal ain't normal ordinary is a luxury 人们对我说 “呸,悲观主义” People say woo pessimism 为什么你们总是冲我来 Why do you all on me? 如果你真想理解这一切 就从最基本的底端开始吧 If you wanna understand you stand under 听着这他妈很重要 This shit is vital 先尊敬生你养你的父母吧 Respect to the mothers and fathers 一生都是过客又怎样 What's wrong with the life of a passenger 要是有人得带头 If somebody gotta be then 我必定当那传信者 I'mma be the messenger 年轻的我只是不知 I'm just too young don't know 该相信什么 What to believe in 而不代表我 不懂得生命的意义 But too young you know not to be living 我会坚守期待 蓄势待发 以王者的姿态面对一切 I will stay I will wait and I'll fall like a king 就算我能千古不朽 永生为王 Even though I can forever ever be a king 我将投身于这该死的世界 孤身一人 I will marry this goddamn world by my own 为我自己授予指环 blrr And put my self on the goddamn ring 如果我能劫后余生 If I can live through this 如果我能逆境还生 If I can live through this 如果我能浴火重生 If I can live through this 我便无所畏惧 I can do anything 所向披靡 I can do anything I can 无人能敌 Do anything anything yeah 如果我能劫后余生 If I can live through this 如果我能劫后余生 If I can live through live through this 如果我能逆境还生 If I can live through this 如果我能逆境还生 (If I can live through this) 如果我能浴火重生 If I can live through this 如果我能浴火重生 (If I can live through) 如果我能浴火重生 If I can live through this 如果我能浴火重生 (If I can live through this) 我便无所畏惧 I can do anything 我便无所畏惧 (I can do anything) 如果我能劫后余生 If I can live through this 如果我能劫后余生 (I can do anything) 如果我能逆境还生 If I can live through this 如果我能逆境还生 (I can do anything) 我便无所畏惧 If I can live through this 所向披靡,无人能敌 I can do anything 人中翘楚 绝世无双 Champion champion