- hook
Y'all ******* hide on bush, woo ya Don't try to talking a ********, woo ya Record to me as a winner, woo ya Chicken gonna be my dinner, woo ya verse 1 这人生过起来就像游戏 没人帮你 替你搭建好楼梯 当你跳下随风飘扬一起落下 打开降落伞连忙找寻你的座驾 尽管身无分文降落 但don't be afraid, you keep moving 或丢下武器逃脱 手足无措的你又丢了一命 别再落魄的跪下倒地 投入凶狠的敌人怀里 像伏地魔一样苟向胜利 不是游戏的含义 琳琅满目的枪械装备就像LV的专柜 击退所有对你开枪嘲讽的人 不留一点投降机会 ya 承受毒气对你的困扰 甚至还有漫漫诋毁 缠上绷带一圈圈环绕 观众不懂你的滋味 就算奋不顾己 拼命逃命 毒气圈还是跑的过你 沉不住气 保持毅力 胜利它总是会迎向你 I got bad ******* around, yeah Haters' gun please don't shoot yet I can show you something real, yeah Don't you stand in the front, yeah hook Y'all ******* hide on bush, woo ya Don't try to talking a ********, woo ya Record to me as a winner, woo ya Chicken gonna be my dinner, woo ya verse 2 Imma Double Winner Chicken be my dinner You are always lonely, nobody cares bang bang Solo 单枪匹马无人害怕走到最后其实拼个枪法 看你不爽直接把你拿下 不管你有没有招架 Duos小分队 枪击得到位 被enemy打败 receive你好快 当心枪声给你报了警 子弹雨DUDUDU不能停 I got 4 person then create a squad 这情况无人能敌 无人能杀 考验团队配合支援打包 no matter做的大 压枪瞄准杀死敌人 我来掩护你去舔舔舔 遇到空投更杀的狠 rollin'up harry'up捡捡捡 轰炸区就像外界来的碾压 no way go 你只能躲 在狭小的房间里无人发现 积累着你的怒火 ***** I got bad ******* around, yeah Haters' gun please don't shoot yet I can show you something real, yeah Don't you stand in the front, yeah hook Y'all ******* hide on bush, woo ya Don't try to talking a ********, woo ya Record to me as a winner, woo ya Chicken gonna be my dinner, woo ya