- Robert Miles One & One 歌词
- Robert Miles
天空并不总是蓝色 the sky isnt always blue 太阳并不总是照耀 the sun doesnt always shine 有时分崩离析也没关系,mmm its alright to fall apart sometimes, mmm 我并不总是你的 i am not always you 而你也并不总是我的 and you are not always mine 有时分崩离析也没关系 its alright to fall apart sometimes
毕竟这一切已经结束 after all is said and done 你和我融为一体 one and one still is one 当我哭泣,当我放声大笑 when we cry, when we laugh 我是一半,你是另一半 i am half, you are half
内心的想法并不总是真实的 the heart isnt always true 而我并没有总是准备好 and i am not always fine 有时我们都有一颗愤怒而虚伪的心 we all have an angry heart sometimes
当一切都说过做过 after all is said and done 你和我就融为一体 one and one still is one 当我哭泣,当我放声大笑 when we cry, when we laugh 我是一半,你是另一半 i am half, you are half 看看我们走了多远 look how far we have come 你和我变成了那 one and one still is 一盏月亮 one moon (one moon) 一片星辰 one star (one star) 我爱我们在一起的 i love the one we are 每一个瞬间 one thread (one thread) 每一个瞬间 one line (one line) 让时间停止吧 lets stand still in time
一盏明月 one moon (one moon) 一片星辰 one star (one star) 我爱我们在一起的 i love the one we are 每一瞬间 one thread (one thread) 每一瞬间 one line (one line) 让每一个回忆贯穿我们的生活 that runs through our lives
当一切尘埃落定 after all is said and done 我们之间就融为一体 one and one still is one 当我哭泣,当我放声大笑 when we cry, when we laugh 我是一半,你是另一半 i am half, you are half 看看我们经历了多少美好时光 look how far we have come 你和我之间早已融为一体,ah one and one still is one ah