- Empire Cast New York Raining 歌词
- Empire Cast
- New York Raining - Rita Ora
离家万里之遥,我的表演风格逐渐成熟 Miles from home my style has grown 早已厌倦了麻木的歌唱 Sick of getting played like a xylophone 我的乐器陪伴我度过了所有的时间 My instrument is me with thousands of bones 我渴望拥有我的一席之地 Whiling I just wanna zone 我妈妈知道 My mama knows 我需要个女孩能做我的忠实爱人 I need a chick to be kinda **** 她会常常微笑也愿意为我付出 Smile a lot give a lot of dome 仅仅是对我给我无限的宪爱和包容 Only to me spoil me with your bad ass 你就像是高贵无比的女神宝贝我好想拥有 You were like royalty baby catch that 雨水冲刷所有洗去我所有的苦痛 See the rain is making me feel painless 这段感情很危险 This relationship is so dangerous 如果他们发现,他们会怎么处置我们 If they find out what will they make of it 所以我尽情享受每一个吻 So I savour every kiss like it's ancient 你对不会错过什么 You ain't missing a thing 其他的哥们会唱出来的 With other ****** you sing 我需要钱才能给你买戒指 And I need cash just to give you a ring 虽然你我是一见钟情但它止住了我的痛 Love at first sight but it was blocked by pain 所以为了你,我会超越前五的明星,成为顶尖大腕 So for you I'll exceed the top 5 in the game 闪烁的都市霓虹 In the city lights 我确信我听到你呼唤我的名字 I swear I hear you call my name (call my name) 似乎有什么不对 There's nothing right 我陷在原地而你却远在千里之外 I'm stuck here while you're miles away miles away 纽约的雨水 In New York raining 纽约的雨水 In New York raining it's too much 亲爱的,我有多需要你 My babe I need you 亲爱的,我有多需要你 It's too much my babe I need you 睡觉前喝杯红酒吃块芝士 Red wine and cheese before bed time 我们的爱也成为头版头条 You and I fell in love is the headline 不再抱怨,不停地探寻爱的真谛 Instead of whining about what I've been finding 我一直沉默,你插话 I stay silent and let you chime in 你让我说会没事的 You want me to talk fine then 如果有谁让你心碎,我会找到他们 Someone broke your heart let me find 'em 但我讨厌争斗,此刻我有点怯场 But I hate fights and now I got stage fright 直到夜深我还呆在你的住所 Until I'm at your place at the late night 你让我展露笑颜,别这样做了 You make me smile stop doing that 事实上,我说唱的时候,脑子里会想很多东西 A lot is on my mind when I rap in fact 对我来说你意义非凡,我想我是为你说唱 You are a lot I guess I rap for you 不必说,这便是爱的神奇之处 Needless to say the *** magical 你先请,我一定会紧张的颤抖 After you chivalry I have to do 当你读懂我的心时,我更爱你了 I love you when you catching attitude 我想逗逗你只是为了取笑你一番 I wanna tease you just to laugh at you 所以要赶紧弥合感情,快点 So that make up *** could be a faster move c'mon 闪烁的都市霓虹 In the city lights 我确信我听到你呼唤我的名字(呼唤我的名字) I swear I hear you call my name (call my name) 似乎有什么不对 There's nothing right 我陷在原地而你却远在千里之外(千里之外) I'm stuck here while you're miles away (miles away) 纽约的雨水 In New York raining 纽约的雨水 In New York raining it's too much 亲爱的,我有多需要你 My babe I need you 亲爱的,我有多需要你 It's too much my babe I need you 当雨水洒落,苦痛渐渐消失 When the rain falls down the pain is all out 你大声呼喊我的名字,我想这就是名气 My brain you call out my name and that's fame 我仍追名逐利但我心怀愧意 I'm looking great but I still feel shame 只为残酷的现实让我感觉很疯狂 For realest the game I feel insane 但当我和你在一起时,我不再有这种感觉 But when I'm with you my feelings change 我爱你我真的希望你也有同样的感受 I love you I really hope you feel the same 你懂真正的我,紧握我的双手 You know what I am you're holding my hand 没人能像你那样,所以我就是你的男人 No one else can so I'm your man 我们会像你的承诺那般幸福,我们错过了什么吗 Your palm read bliss what are we miss 你会是我心心念念的所有 You are what I miss and we all need this 我只需要简简单单的幸福 Love and affection is all we miss 爱和感情便是你我怀念的一切 From the world but with each other 对整个世界来说,对彼此来说 That's all we get 这便是我们能给予的 I wanna hear you out talk to me miss 我希望听到你的声音,和我说说话吧!姑娘 I hardly wanna slip to awesomest kiss 那令人心动的吻让我几乎沦陷 Call me whenever call me forever 无论何时请与我联系,永远和我联系 As long as I can call us together 只要你我能彼此相守 I love you 我都会好好爱你 In the city lights 闪烁的都市霓虹 I swear I hear you call my name (call my name) 我确信我听到你呼唤我的名字(呼唤我的名字) There's nothing right 似乎有什么不对 I'm stuck here while you're miles away (miles away) 我陷在原地而你却远在千里之外(千里之外) In New York raining 纽约的雨水 In New York raining it's too much 纽约的雨水 My babe I need you 亲爱的我,有多需要你 It's too much my babe I need you 亲爱的我,有多需要你