- Roxette The Look 歌词
- Roxette
- 1-2-3-4
1-2-3-4 Walking like a man, 雄姿英发的走路 hitting like a hammer, she's a juvenile scam. 斩钉截铁的态度,她虽是一个初出茅庐的骗子 Never was a quitter, 但绝对不是个轻言放弃的退出者 tasty like a raindrop, 如雨滴一样晶莹诱人 she's got the look. 她看上去就像那个样子 Heavenly bound cause heaven's got a number when she's spinning me around, 天堂般美好的约束是因为当她围绕着我的时候带着我找到了天堂口的门牌号 kissing is a colour. 亲吻充满了色彩 Her loving is a wild dog, 她的爱慕像条野狗样自由狂野 she's got the look. 没错,这就是她 She's got the look. 她就是那样 She's got the look. 她有那个样子的态度 She's got the look. 没错,这就是她 She's got the look. 她就是那样 What in the world can make a brown-eyed girl turn blue. 可有时我忍不出想,这世界上是什么东西让这个棕色眼眸的女孩变得如此忧郁 When everything I'll ever do I'll do for you 如果曾经是我的话我愿意什么都为你做 and I go: la la la la la she's got the look. 所以现在我要对你们宣布:啦。。。。她就是那个样 Fire in the ice naked to the t-bone is a lover's disguise. 以带你去喝美酒吃带骨牛排不过是作为情人的虚情假意 Banging on the head drum, shaking like a mad bull, 实际上当她只是想和你激情一下,像头疯牛样摇晃身体 she's got the look. 她就是那个样儿 Swaying to the band, moving like a hammer she's a miracle man. 吊儿郎当的玩起了音乐,没想到却神奇般的开始认真,和坚持不懈的努力,她真的是个奇迹 Loving is the ocean, kissing is the wet sand, 爱慕来的像海洋般澎湃,数不清如那沙滩上的细沙般的吻 she's got the look. 这就是她的风格 She's got the look. 没错,她就是这个样儿 She's got the look. 这样儿的嚣张 She's got the look. 这样儿的拽 She's got the look. 她就是这么个态度 What in the world can make a brown-eyed girl turn blue. 但到底这世界上是什么东西可以让这个棕色眼眸的女孩变得如此忧郁 When everything I'll ever do I'll do for you 如果曾经是我的话我愿意什么都为你做 and I go: la la la la la she's got the look. 所以现在我要对你们宣布:啦。。。。她就是那个样 Walking like a man, 英姿飒爽的脚步 hitting like a hammer, she's a juvenile scam. 斩钉截铁的态度,她虽是一个初出茅庐的骗子 Never was a quitter, 但绝对不是个轻言放弃的退出者 tasty like a raindrop, 如雨滴一样晶莹诱人 she's got the look. 这就是她看上去的样子 And she goes: na na na na na na.... 所以她的风格就是这样。。。。 She's got the look. 就是这个样儿 She's got the look. 没错 She's got the look. 就是这个样儿 She's got the look. 她变幻莫测 She's got the look. 就是这样 What in the world can make a brown-eyed girl turn blue. 到底这个世界上什么人或事儿能让这个棕色眼眸的女孩变得忧郁 When everything I'll ever do I'll do for you 如果曾经是我的话我愿意什么都为你做 and I go: la la la la la she's got the look. 所以现在我要对你们宣布:啦。。。。她就是那个样 What in the world can make a brown-eyed girl turn blue. 到底这个世界上什么人或事儿能让这个棕色眼眸的女孩变得忧郁 When everything I'll ever do I'll do for you 如果曾经是我的话我愿意什么都为你做 and I go: la la la la la 所以现在我要对你们宣布:啦。。。。她就是那个样 na na na na na na na na... NA...... She's got the look 所以她的风格就是这样。。。。 and she goes: na na na na na na... 就是这个样儿 She's got the look 这样儿的嚣张 She's got the look 这样儿的拽 and she goes: na na na na na na... 就是这个样儿 She's got the look 她变幻莫测 She's got the look 就是这个样儿 and she goes: na na na na na na... 这就是她的风格 She's got the look 她就是这样儿 She's got the look 我行我素